Favorite Places To Go


 Patuxent-Migratory Bird Research -bird song recordings (sound files)  and tons of information

 Sounds Of The Worlds Animals animals speak the same language all over the world, humans on the other hand are more complicated.  Pronunciations and spelling in different languages of animal sounds.  Includes some sound files.

 Watch Phaedra Grow! -one of the first things I discovered on the net, pretty cute pictures and sound files.

 The Amazing Cat Picture Page -lots of cute kitty pictures.

 Ritercat Home Page -Rose and the beautiful Trinka's page.

 Basic Rules for Cats Who Have a House to Run -very funny cat truths.

 Cat of the Day

 The Birds of North America-tons of information on North American birds. Technical info for the serious birder.

 Birds of Costa Rica

 City Birds Web Site -virtual birding, the fractal and animation pages are a must see.

 Bugs -tons of links to everything from ants to spiders, has some really cool pictures and facts.

 Lemur Gallery-lots of lemur thumbnails.

 Prosimian Picture Gallery

 The Animal Diversity Web -animals for everyone, you name it and they have it.

-beautiful animal graphics and pictures. Dr. Dolittle really cares about animals.

 The SongBird Project

 Bats Bats Everywhere

 British Columbia Wildlife Watch Home Page

 Butterflies on the Internet

 Calling all Alien LifeForms

 Rem & Sidney's Home Page -Two gorgeous Tonkinese kitties


*Warning some of these sites are graphic intensive and take even longer to download than my pages.  Some also need Shock Wave, Quick Time or other plug ins.  Most give directions to the plug ins though.

 Animated Fractals -very, very cool.

 Clip Art -neat.

 Davesway Graphics images, animations and sounds.

 The Birdhouse-one of my favorite sites, tons of different artists, something for everyone.

 Joan Stark's ASCII Art Gallery -an interesting art form I seem unable to master.  Pretty cool.

 Dreams & Bones -another fave.

 Interactive Design Gallery

 Extreme 3D Tips 'n' Stuff

 Absolut Vodka -though I would never advise drinking the stuff, they have some great animation and music projects here.

 Extreme 3D Gallery

 6168 -indescribable, check it out yourself.

 Louis Agassiz Fuertes -gorgeous bird pictures done in different mediums, includes a really good search engine.

 Gallery of Greek Art

 Indecent Images -not really indecent at all, classical paintings that some would consider risque.  Very informative, includes some of my all time favorite paintings.

 Adolphe-William Bouguereau

 Kaleidospace Visionspace -yet another indescribable must see, art in all its mediums.

 ODDLIFE -a site devoted to unusual arts, I loved the WaterDance stuff.

 ada'web.engage-more unusual art.

The World of Escher


Comics and Toons:





 The Comics Hotlist

 Zippy the Pinhead

 Milk and Cheese

 Sandman, Neil Gaiman Links

 Aardman Animations

 South Park Asylum

 Dr. Seuss's Seussville

 Red Meat-Be warned this one is pretty sick.



 The Song of Parasaurolophus -one of the first and neatest dinosaur things I found on the web.  Download the sound file you will not be disappointed.

 Lost Worlds-The Paleolife Art of Brian Franczak

 Dinosauria On-Line

 Dann's Dinosaur Reconstructions

 Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette

 The Vertebrate Pathology Bibliography Project


 The Dinosauricon by T. Michael Keesey

 Luis V. Rey's Dinosaur and Paleontology Art Gallery

 The Hairy Museum of Natural History

 Dino Kingdom Nakasato

 Paleomap Project


Friends & Family:

 Ming Chu's Cat Tail's  -my Mum's page

 Geordle's Home Page -my sweety

 Starnut's Home Page  -a cool astronomer dude I met through ICQ

 Muffin The Cat's Home Page  -a kitty who likes to play dress-up

 MGM Ranch  -Glenda's pages

 The Mysteron's Page -one of my best friends

 Chateau Ophelia -my best friends wonderful fiancee (he's a lucky guy)

 Martyr's Sanctuary  -one of my fave email buddies

 Liz'z Corner Of The Web  -Martyr's girlie (another lucky guy)

 Warren's HomePage-another email pal.  I've had some great  discussions about books with this guy

 Myakat's Home Page  -the best kid in the world


* Another warning; a lot of these game sites require plug ins.

 Streams and Brian present Piercing Mildred - a fun way to pierce without pain, a weekly competition with virtual money prizes (so you can pierce and tatoo more).

 CleverMedia Shockwave Arcade -lots of games, I loved the alley cat one.

 Name That Song

 The 80s Server -games to test your eighties savvy.  I play Rewind three times a week, an eighties name that tune game.   A word of warning..this game is addictive.  I also enjoy Who Can It Be Now.

 The Arcade Machine-classic and new games, fun.

 Hasbro Interactive Internet Play

 Punk Rock Girl Paper Doll

 Warner Bros. Games Gallery

 Macromedia ShockRave

 Hotwheels Raceway-WHEEEEE!!



 Hedgerows Garden Tapestry

 Alternative Nature Home Page

 Henriette's Herbal Homepage

 Landscaping With Native Plants

 Sun Angel: Glossary of Herbs and Aromas

 Botanical.com Home Page

 Master Gardener Information

 Le Jardin Ombrage

 National Wildflower Research Center


 Real Astrology

 Dave Barry in Cyberspace

 Stick Figure Death Theatre

 kissthisguy.com-the archive of misheard lyrics


 The Funny Firm

 The Onion

 Fun and Weird

 The Miraculous Winking Jesus

KITHFan.org: A Whole Lotta Kids in the Hall



 Facade -tarot, bibliomancy, i ching, runes, biorythym and stitchomancy.

 Dream Dictionary

 Astrology Net

 Dream Central

 Name Analysis



 All About Eve-Homepage

 Classical MIDI Archives

 The WAV Place

 Don's Music Files

 Seventies Dance Music

 Sick and Tired-an Everclear Site

 The Cranberries

 The Unofficial They Might Be Giants Home Page

 TMBG (The Official They Might Be Giants Site)



 CyberPatient Simulator

 The Boeing Company

 The ShrinkTank Testing and Advise Page

 Biochemistry Animations

 National Geographic


 Discovery Online

 Amber Home

 Conceiving a Clone




 Walk the Solar System

 Hubble Space Telescope Pictures

 A Global View From Space

 Astronomy Picture of the Day

 Erk's Cosmology Pages



 Today's Birthday

 Dead People Server

 The Anagram Genius Server

 The Art Bell Web Site

 This Day in History

 Cosmic Quote

Please feel free to email me at phaedie@hotmail.com if any of these are not working or send your favorite link thats not up here.
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