Deputy Michael Marston, Jr. & partner Kilo.

Kilo came from the former Czechoslovakia. Kilo's commands are in Czech. It keeps with the tradition of the country from which the dog was imported & it allows for no person but Michael to give commands to Kilo.

Kilo is 4 years old, & is trained to find & interdict the exchange of illegal narcotics, track & apprehend suspects, & strengthen public relations with the community. Michael & Kilo travel to local schools giving demonstations of his ability as a police dog.

The Montezuma County Sherriff's Department spent $6,500 to obtain Kilo. It may sound like a lot of money for a dog, but consider the work that these dogs do. They track burglery suspects, handle building searches & find murder suspects in a matter of minutes. They protect YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!!!
They are a VITAL part of the department.

Upkeep of a K-9 is very expensive.
It includes vet checkups, food & training.

Consider making a donation to your local law enforcement agency.

If you'd like to make a donation for the upkeep of Kilo, send your donation to:
Montezuma County Sherriff's Department
601 N. Mildred Road
Cortez, CO 81321
Please make checks payable to:
Montezuma County Safety
and Protection Foundation.

Thank you!

The bond between K-9 & handler can become so strong that the dog will risk its own safety to protect his human partner.

Meet Kilo up close and personal K-9 Life

Kilo has been placed in the K-9 Bytes Hall of Fame

An Eye Opener about police officers What A Policeman Is

A Touching Story When God Created Peace Officers

Do You Think This Way? The Lousy Cop

Click on the links for touching poems to K-9 officers.

Called To Give My All Guardians Of The Night
The Working Dog Prayer Of The Police K-9 Officer


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