Taylor's Photo Gallery

Stuff To Know About Me...

First did you know, if you smile and be really, really cute...ladies in lingerie stores will drag out the helium tank all the way from the back and make you a balloon? It's true!! That's how I got my pink one you see above.

I got my first tooth June 12th, 1998.
Those things are great for biting...

(see future pages of my gallery)

My First word was DaDa and I'm learning new words all the time! They other day Mom swore I said "blue" but I just don't have the time to say it again to prove her right.

The tempation is too much Grandpa take me away!!!!

Why is it too much you ask? I love the chandelier over Grandma's kitchen table. I want to grab it ever since Grandpa let me hang from it! Boy Was Grandma MAD!!

Mark your calandar...my second birthday is on October 24th. I need more toys to play with. Although everyone keeps saying that I like the boxes best! Anyway, A kid can never have too many toys, you know.


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