There is lots of information about the church on the web. Both negative and positive, useful and wasteful. When we initially decided that we wanted to put something about the Church on my web site we wanted to find things that would make it unique and informative. So on this page you will find two things. Links that have to do with general information about the Church. And then our own personal subject: the Family.
      The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has an official home page. Which means that this page does not reflect any official representation of the Church or it's leaders. Instead it brings out points about the church that we feel are worthy of repeating. Nothing more.

Links of Interest

Yahoo's collection of links related to the Church.

An Introduction to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints by Jeff Lindsay.

The WWW L.D.S. Visitor's Center.

My Mission's Home Page The Caracas, Venezuela Missions.

Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies

Free Book of Mormon Offer

Scripture and Other Reading Materials

Searchable index for many different versions of the Bible. (And many languages)

Gospel Doctrine

History of the Church

General Conference 1987-1994

A Press Release about some Anti-Mormon materials.

The talk entitled This Thing Was Not Done in a Corner. Serious answers to some questions asked about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by Mike Wallace. These were not included with the 15 minute broadcast.

Are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints saved? Do they consider themselves saved? This talk given by Elder Dallin Oaks explores this idea.

A religious outlook on what 'political correctness' really is.

The Family and the Church
The most important element in human society has been the family. Throughout almost all of human history the home has been the key element in our development as a society and community. Yet many people have begun to argue that the family structure is somehow no longer needed. That somehow, we have evolved to a level where society or 'the community' should now become the central key in a person's development. The error in this logic is that the family structure is the force that provides a stable community. In these links below are the Church's and my opinions of how important the family is and the consequences of it's dissolution.

A Proclamation to the World by the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

A talk given by Elder Henry B. Eyring about the Church's Proclamation to the World.

Another talk about families and the declaration give by Elder Erying.

A talk about covenant marriage verses contract marriage . This talk keys on the facts that today's marriages are not longer commitments to give 100%, just 'contracts' that are negotiated and broken like business agreements.

The Church's position on same-gender attraction.

I was born this way...I don't know where this came from. But it is not any publication provided by the Church. I see it as a viewpoint to what we consider inherent nature versus the qualities that separate us from the cattle in a field. Where exactly should society draw that line?

President Hinckley's talk about women's issues

Being a righteous husband and father by President Howard W. Hunter

We are open to your comments and opinions if you want to send them. Please feel free to tell us what you think.
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