Please keep the CAMPBELL'S SOUP LABELS coming! St. Michael's Day Nursery is thrilled with our contributions! Details are on the bulletin board in the narthex.


NEW TRACTS - Jean Grieten

New tracts are placed on the narthex table for you to borrow. Please enjoy these books and booklets, and then return them for someone else to use.


YOUTH GROUP - Chiméne Grieten

On March 27th, the same day as the St Nicholas' cleanup, interested youths will be getting together at 10:00 a.m. to paint hollow eggs for the Easter egg hunt. Parents, this is a great opportunity to bring the kids to church, and give them something to do while you help with the cleanup.

Last month's scavengerfood hunt was a great success, with over 80 items collected for the food pantry. Another hunt will be scheduled soon, so join in on the fun!



Financial planning workshops will be held at St. Nicholas' on March 10 Th and March 31 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Come learn how to invest for the future: retirement, college, even for shortterm goals. Let us show you how to find money that can be invested for your future needs. The workshops are free and will be valuable for your future.


Ruth Dorsman wrote to say that she appreciated the send off we gave her on March 21 her last Sunday at St. Nicholas', and that "the warmth and friendship of all of the congregation was heartwarming, to say the least." She was so kind as to think of our Sunday School program when she was packing up her house, and she brought us all kinds of art and craft supplies to use. We are going to miss her very much!

Ruth asked to have her new address and phone number published in the SCORE, and she said that she wants everyone to know that they are welcome to visit her if they are in the Williamsburg area.

          Ruth M. Dorsman (757) 7662776
          124 Spruce Drive
          Yorktown, VA 23693

St. Nicholas
Sr. Warden
Worship Reflections
Easter Pagent
Parish Life
Prayer List
Children Conf.
March Calendar

TEAM LEADER: The Rev. Blanch L. Powell
PRIMARY PASTOR: The Rev. Rod Wells
 JUNIOR WARDEN: Steve Hankins
CHURCH SECRETARY: Phyllis Hamilton
Church Phone: 302-368-4655

Saint Nicholas Episcopal Church

10 Old Newark Road
P.O. Box 1115
Newark, DE 19715-1115