Belleville, Ontario is midway between
Ottawa and Toronto along Hwy 401
on the northern shore of Lake Ontario.
Whether you live here or are a visitor,
join us for some of the events happening in the
Quinte Deaf community.

Quinte Deaf Fellowship
is a group of people
building up in faith in Jesus Christ.
*We use visuals, including ASL,
powerpoint, and skits
to teach, discuss and support
our learning.
*Sept. 9, 2007 we held our
first praise and worship
in the CORE,
223 Pinnacle St., Belleville
*Our people appreciate the support
we have from these churches:
St. Matthew's United Church,
Parkdale Baptist Church,
Calvary Temple,
Maranatha CRC
and several of Ontario's
Deaf church leaders.

*Sundays we meet for
Deaf Worship 10:30 a.m.
*Join us!
1st Sunday ~ Communion
*Mondays 7 p.m. Bible Study: Heaven
and Thurs. 7 p.m.Firm Foundation
Potluck Lunch 2nd Sunday;
*Bible Class for children/youth;
*Bible Certificate courses 6 weeks
January '09 to June '09

QDF is committed to God's
Greatest Commandments and
to His Great Commission.




Would you attend church weekly for Deaf Worship of God?
What does your family need to be included?
Do you attend worship service regularly now?
Email Deaf community members for QDF.
We want to build together.

Deaf Bible Study
Every building needs a Firm Foundation.
You are invited to join us again this fall.
Worship now takes place in the CORE,
The building is downtown, Belleville.
Enter the doors on Campbell St. and
come up the staircase.
Contact the QDF church office
613-968-7403 tty; leave a message
or email Helen
Quinte Deaf Fellowship

Your life needs a
firm foundation.

Belleville Association of the Deaf

Resources in Sign Language
CHS Levels 101, 102, 103 American Sign Language
Call to say you are interested and leave your name.
Call 613-966-8995 (voice); 613-966-7381 (tty); 613-966-8365 (fax)
or visit
Also call Loyalist College 613-966-1913

ASL Bible on DVD or VHS
Please Call ahead to watch the tapes
Helen's office ~ CORE 223 Pinnacle St., Belleville

CD made by OAD
Violence Against Deaf Women amd Children
Several copies in Belleville including
Dale and Harvey Abel, Helen Bickle, CHS, QDF

Bible Certificate Courses
Quinte Deaf Fellowship, Belleville
plans to offer a non-credit course
Six (6) Saturdays, once a month
Jan. 17 to June 2009.
~~ Experience God ~~
Cost compares to the cost of a college audit course.
Are you interested in the next course?
Course time 10:00 a.m. to 3:00
Teacher from Deaf TEAM Ministries
Praise God for Deaf to learn from other Deaf.

Do you want to be effective "salt & light" in the Deaf community?
Ontario Mission of the Deaf (OMD)
Deaf Women for Christ (DWC)
and Men's Fellowship (DMF)
Quinte Deaf Fellowship (QDF)
Contacts are Mario, John, Dean, Helen.

Deaf Fellowship
Wednesday Jan. 21, 2 to 4 p.m.
Please bring snacks to share ~ Drinks provided
CORE (OLD LIBRARY building); doors on Campbell St.

Belleville Association of the Deaf [BAD]
Check out the BAD website for
Darts (Canadian Deaf Dart Championship 2008), Curling Bonspiel, Pot Lucks, Paintball, Bowling

Other things to be involved in:
Local Advisory Committee ~LAC~
For next meeting contact CHS 613-966-7381 tty or fax 966-8365

Daryl Kramp and Ernie Parsons (retired) each got TTYs in their offices.
You can call to the office.