Brief History


Favorite Sites

Tallahasseee Traffic
Amazing site to check out the traffic in Tallahassee. Click on the camera locations.
Silicon Graphics
SGI is a computer company located in Mtn View, California. Their visual technology has been of wide use in the entertainment field such as "A Toy Story", "Jurastic Park", "Twister".....With the popular use of audio/video on the Web and data minning, SGI products have gained recognition.
Nick - At - Nite
This is a favorite of my granddaughter, Emily. Check out the Arcade games.
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1948 - 1967
Childhood Days
David grew up in Chattanooga Tennessee and Lois (Lauritson) grew up in Clementson, Minnesota. Both of our childhood days were typical of the baby-boom generation. Our fathers were in the Philippines Pacific Theater during WWII. Both were in the famous 1st Cavalry division. They could have crossed paths because there is one story about seeing a monkey side show which was told many times to both families during childhood. Both of our Dads started a family right away upon returning to the United States. Cornelius & Reba Hoodenpyle worked in the Ross-Mehan Foundries and Robert & Eldyne Lauritson established a homestead farm. Cornelius retired from a 3M ceramic plant and Robert continued to farm and harvest wood for the Boise papermill. Both are deceased and our Mothers are still living in the same Homes.
David went through Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Little League Baseball, High School Marching Band and Swing Band. A part time job after school in the local grocery store was the norm after reaching age13. We had moved to Signal Mountain, a suburb community of Chattanooga after the Ice Storm of 1961. David was the first born in a family with 2 other brothers Danny (3 yrs younger) & Donald (8 yrs younger). David graduated from Red Bank High School in 1966.

          Lois was the 2nd of 5 children (Norman, Ginny, Carol, and Dale). She helped her mother take care of her sisters and           brother. Chores were the norm for a farm family. Lois went through school hockey, softball, 4-H entries in the county           fair, and music. She was often asked to play the accordion, a gift from her father, at family gatherings. Lois graduated           from Baudette High School 1967.

1968 - 1979
Military Days
After joining the Air Force in Jan 68 to attend Computer Electronic School at Keesler AFB, David arrived in Baudette Minnesota to help install the new BUIC (BackUp Intercept Control) Burroughs Weapons Controller Computer System. Company technicians were already on site to install. We were their servants until our NCOIC arrived, Msgt James Pittman. Lois was working at Tom's Cafe (a favorite hang-out) where she met David. They were friends and dated until they married a year later in Baudette November 1969. A military wedding was held at the Evangelical Church and a reception at the local VFW. They left for Tyndall AFB Panama City, FL in May '70 where Angela was born in Feb 1971.
          '71 - '73
David & Lois moved back to Baudette AFB after re-enlisting for another four years. An opportunity was presented to train on a new system (Q47) Radar processing computer at Will Rogers FAA Airport in Oklahoma City. En-route, we were told that David had orders for Vietnam Monkey Mountain and had been ordered to report in 2 weeks. That was in '72. David was allowed to continue school for the next 6 months after President Nixon canceled all orders in and out of Vietnam. Later orders were cut for NATO in Belgium.
          '73 -'76
Off everyone went to Belgium. General Alexander Haig was the Supreme Allied Commander and had just replaced Gen. Goodpaster. Gen. Haig was to later award David the "Joint Service Commendation" Medal before reassignment to the U.S. Angela was almost 3 and Scott was in the hanger. He was born Dec 8, 1973 in Belgium, two months after arriving. Europe was a nice place to visit, lots of things to do and see. Boy, after 3 years were we glad to get back to the good ole USA. Plenty of space, open roads, and big cars. We bought a 1977 Cutlass Supreme just like David's Dad. With 30 days of leave, a new car, and a CB Radio, we were free. You will really appreciate the American way of life when you live out of the country for 36 months.
          '76 - 79
Our last duty assignment was Rickenbacker AFB, Columbus, Ohio. David finished his BA in Business before being discharged in Jan 79. We had traveled to Chattanooga from Columbus many week-ends just to be on the road. Our love for travel and the open space led us to the Minnesota/Canadian border.
         Civilian Days          
19'79 - Present
First stop was International Falls, Minnesota where David was the Circulation Manager at The Daily Journal Newspaper. One year later, we moved to Chattanooga as a Sales Representative for Burroughs (Unisys) Corporation. We stayed in Chattanooga until Dec 1987 when Unisys moved the family to Tallahassee Florida. David left Unisys in 1993 and has sold systems to state & local government such as IBM, DEC, Silicon Graphics, and Fujitsu for various resellers. Lois is a partner in Trixi & Grace , a ladies fine clothing store. Angela graduated from Florida State University in 1997 and works as a case specialist for Children's & Family State of Florida independent living district 2. She has a daughter named Emily. Scott has completed his MCSE training and in process of testing out.


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Family Interests

Wakulla Springs
A state park located 15 miles south of Tallahassee. A good place to cool off for the summer. Very cold spring water and a favorite spot to visit for freinds & family that come to Tally.
Tallahassee Flea Market
A Good place to shop around for junk.
Tallahasse Museum of History & Natural Science
We try to go here twice a year to see the new animals on loan.
St George Island
A favorite getaway to the beach.

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Contact Information

Street address
2828 Shamrock South, Tallahassee, Fl 32309

Electronic mail address

Web address
Company Web Address


Office phone

(850) 893-7119

FAX number
(850) 893-7119

Home phone
(850) 893-7098

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©Copyright 2002
Last revised: September 24, 2002.

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