Merry Christmas From Windy Hill

It's Christmas time again, and it has finally snowed here.
We were beginning to wonder if our Christmas was going to be green.
We are very busy here.  The fragrance of christmas  bread and candy
fills the house.  Lots of secrets and lists, and shopping expiditions too.
We made a site on the internet this year so everybody in the family could
write in, and send their list of christmas wishes.
There are some practical things, and some silly ones, that nobody would
ever be able to do.  Just fun though.
We used to make a big list and post it on the bathroom door.  there was a
box for everybody to write in their hearts desire...
In the age of internet, though, we all thought it would be fun to do it
this way......

It's been a busy year.  I'm still involved in church with piano for choir, and
organ for Sunday, also teach the baby class in SS .  I'm involved in several committees and things too.
Also, I still am working in the upholstery business .  It earned me enough money to make  a trip to Prince Edward Island, Canada, to see my internet friend.
The gardens are blooming still.  I planted a new rose garden this year, and look forward to next summer, hoping the new bushes live up to their promises!!!
We are preparing for Y2K , canning and expect to get a generator, and stock up some food stuff and groceries, enough for a month.  We'll rotate so it won't get stale, but want to make sure that there's enough to keep us just in case the worst happens..If nothing does happen, we'll just use up the supplies.  It's good to be prepared.

I still keep busy on the computer every day.  I communicate with people all over the world, and all our family is on line now.  We have lots of fun sending funny things back and forth.  I've written five web pages, and am learning how to write html, so that I'll be a little more independant on the internet.  It's all great fun.  We constantly up grade our puter, so we have a pretty good one now.

Most of all, I thank our Heavenly Father for his great faithfulness and love for us.  At this Christmas season, we especially thank him for sending baby Jesus to Earth, so that he might become the savior of all mankind.

We wish you the best of Christmas happiness
and a wonderful new year.

With love, Marion and David Engdahl
