Marlboro Friends Meeting Cemetery
Sophia, Randolph County, North Carolina
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Surname Index
A thru C
Adams, Albertson, Allred, Andrews, Armfield, Ashburn, Ball, Bame, Barker, Beane,
Beeson, Bennett,Bowles, Bowman,Braun, Briles, Bristow, Brookshire, Brown, Buie,
Bulla, Bullard, Bunderant, Burgess, Cain, Campbell, Cannon, Canoy, Carroll,
Cash, Cashatt, Clark, Coe, Coffin, Cole, Coltrain, Coltrane, Commons, Connor,
Cook, Cox, Crisco, Croker, Crowell, Crowson
D thru H
Davis, Deaton, DeCamp, Dennis, Dicks, Dillon, Dix, Dorsett, Edwards, Elder,
Eller, Ellington, Ellison, Ervin, Farlow (click to view text of the "Farlow Monument"), Gardner, Gilliam, Gossett, Gray,
Grice, Grist, Hankins, Hanson, Harlan, Harrell, Harris, Hawk, Hayes, Henley,
Henson, Hildreth, Hill, Hinshaw, Holland, Holliday, Hollingsworth, Hoover,
Howard, Huey, Hussey
I thru M
Inman, Jackson, Jarrell, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Jupp, Keeney, Kennedy, Kersey,
Kidd, Kirkman, Knightnen, LaMarr, Lamb Langley, Lanier, Laughlin, Leaptrope,
Leonard Lewallen, Loflin, Lowe, Lyndon, Macon, Major, Marley, Marsh, McCollum,
McMahon, Mendenhall, Miller, Milligan, Millikan, Milliken, Modlin, Montgomery,
Morgan, Moser
N thru S
Nelson, Newlin, Osborne, Osburn, Overton, Ozbern, Parker, Patton, Peace, Pearce,
Pearman, Pearson, Pickard, Pierce, Plumlee, Poole, Pope, Porter, Powell, Presnell,
Prince, Redding, Rich, Richardson, Ridge, Robbins, Routh, Rush, Russell, Sawyer,
Short, Skalany, Skeen, Sluder, Small, Snider, Snyder, Spencer, Staley, Stalker,
Stanton, Steed, Stephenson, Stevens, Stout, Swaney
T thru Z
Talley, Taylor, Tillotson, Tomlinson, Underwood, Voncannon, Vuncannon, Walker,
Wall, Ward, Watson, Webster, Welborn, Whitaker, White, Whitehead, Wicker, Wood,
Wright, York, Yow, Zachary
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