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My Best-est Friend and I
  I first became a Christian at the age of 11. When I was 19, I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Now, I'm glad to say that Jesus is both my Lord and Savior. He's also my Best Best (or Best-est) Friend. :-) He's the only One who gives me everlasting hope in life, and the great news is that He is the only One who is able to give everlasting life to all who receive Him as their personal Savior. Would you like this FREE GIFT of eternal life?

  I was water-baptised at the East Coast Beach on Sunday, December 20, 1998. Praise God for this wonderful experience and opportunity! *grins*

  In Singapore, I worship at City Harvest Church (CHC). To me, City Harvest is *THE BEST* - on par with other great churches like Christian City Church and World Harvest Church. Yeah! We are an independent cell group church, strong in Pentecostal and evangelical doctrines. We firmly hold on to our vision of reaching a target weekly attendance of 10,000 people by the year 2000. Currently, we have reached our goal, and we're still growing by His grace! Praise God!

  Thank God for men and women of God such as Pastor Kong and Pastor Sun, who are our beloved pastors of City Harvest Church. We praise and thank God for you, Pastors, and may the Lord always bless and prosper you in every good thing.

  I'm from one of the East District cell groups at CHC, and really thank God for blessing me with the opportunity to be part of this awesome church! Especially to my members in E65 & E134, I thank God for all of you, and I thank you for all the support & encouragement and love you've shown me. To all of you who are looking to commit yourself at a local church in Singapore but haven't found one yet, may I suggest City Harvest Church ... it's one of the most significant decisions you can make in life. :-)

  In Australia, I worshiped at Full Gospel Assembly, Perth (FGAP)  which is an evangelical and charismatic family cell church. At FGAP, I was also part of a cell group, which was under Agape Ministry, a tertiary students' ministry of FGA Perth.

  Okie, so much about where I worship. Now we shall take a look at my personality. I'm a super-duper ultra-extreme high "S" (Steadiness, sensitive, servanthood spirit), followed by a very high "C" (Conscientious, cautious, focus a lot on details). It also means I'm an introvert. Extroverts may misconceive me as being snobbish, having an "attitude", or being anti-social because I'm quiet by nature (Shhhhh...). I draw my energy from being alone, not in large crowds. In other words, my "batteries" get recharged when I'm alone. But don't misunderstand me - I love to have good solid fellowship with a few people at a time, but I will feel very drained out if I fellowship almost everytime, almost everyday, with almost everyone at almost the same time! I'm a homely type of person, but I do like going shopping, enjoying a cuppa with close friends, and stuff like that. To sum it up, I believe in cultivating and maintaining a "gentle and quiet spirit" within me, according to 1 Peter 3:4. I haven't quite reached there yet, but still learning to do so.

  Of course, by the Spirit of God, I believe my personality can change over time and become more balanced - which means that I can develop my "I" (Influential) and my "D" (Dominating) characteristics with His help - but not too much, though! I just wanna be balanced. Anyway, we are to be led by His Spirit, and not by our emotions or personality. So, whether we are "S", "C", "I" or "D", we are all to submit to the Lord our God completely, or else why would we want to worship Him and call Him "Lord"?

  If you don't agree with me, it doesn't matter. This is just some of my personal sharing and I don't expect 100% agreement from everyone.

  Life has only one main goal: to know Christ more with each passing moment; to abound more and more in the knowledge of Christ Jesus. Proverbs 9:10 says, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." Am I wiser than I was a moment ago? Do I have more understanding than I was before? If I want to get wiser, I need to fear God more, and if I want to get more understanding, I need to know Him more. "Therefore, get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding." (Prov 4:7) Amen!

  Gotten tired of my sharing? Ok, I shall spare you the torture.

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