Hott Family Home Page

Hello and welcome to our home on the web! We're the Hott family and there's a lot of us! We have a large family (by today's standards), there are eight of us and seven of the eight are male!!!! There is Carl who is the husband, father, provider and protector. Kimberly the wife, mother, manager and soother of ruffled feathers. We also have six wonderful young boys; Taylor, Dustin, Collin, Westley, Jerod and Hunter. To find out a bit more about our family, step into our Family Room!

Eventually, we will have a page for each member of our family so feel free to look around and stop back in to see what changes we've made!

Oh yeah, please don't forget to sign our guestbook!!
That way we'll know you were here
and we can return the favor!

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Links to our Pages
y2k info
Should you be preparing
or just hope for the best?

Our Faith

Would you like to build
a web-page but don't
know where to start?
HomePage Resources
& Graphics Sites

Some great html tutorials
and wonderful graphics sites!
Our Christmas Page

Yes, we realize that it's not Christmas right now!

Friends Around
the Web

I've met some incredible
on-line friends
This page is dedicated
to all of them!

Our Family Room

Come on in and get to know
us a little better!
Penny Pinchin'
Some ideas on how to keep more
of the money you earn!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son,
that who ever would believe in him would not perish,
but have ever lasting Life!
John 3:16

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Please Sign Our Guestbook!

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