Lucy and Samuel...Their emancipation

What Became of John Ussery's Slaves?

John Lemay's Slaves

Frances Bradford was born July 23, 1803
Granderson Fuller was born May 9, 1809
Carter Braxton was born April 13, 1810
Willey Sims was born Oct. 30, 1810
Jeremiah Daniel was born May 21, 1811
Lorenzo Dow was born Jan. 13, 1813
Olive Cob was born May 18, 1815
Rose Day (?) Nov. 18, 1815
Sarah Ann was born___ of March 1822
Madison Tabon was born 5 of November 1824

Julia Ussery Widow's Pension: , Lynville, Giles Co., TN. Soldier: Daniel Usrey, Pvt. Co E, 120th USC Volunteer Inf. , who belonged to Daniel Ussery of TN

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