David's newest love in life is the MoonDance.

The MoonDance is a 1975 27 foot Hunter Sailboat.

As is the case with most of David's acquisitions, the Moondance came as a true 'Fixer-Upper'.

He keeps it, and works and plays on it at Boston's Old Colony Yacht Club.

It needed a great deal of work before it could go in the water.

Below are some thumbnail photos, that when clicked, will take you to pages that show and explain this fixing-up process.

I may be a tad prejudiced, but I'd say that David has done one heck of a job at bringing this old girl back to life. While it's still a work in progress, come along and see the transformation as it unfolds :

click here >The Keel Drop : First he dropped the Keel to fix a leak.

click here >Dropping and fixing the engine. : next he pulled the Engine and gave that a complete overhaul.

click here >The Interior overhaul : After he got the engine working again, he turned his attention to the interior.

click here >The First Launch : At this point it was Summer so he launched it to continue his work at dock.

There's more that's been done, (I recovered the interior cushions for one) but I need to finish that roll of film yet. There's also still plenty of work that needs to be done yet. Check back periodically for the continuing saga of the

Resurrection of the Moondance.

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