
During my journey I came across these beautiful poems.
I thank the women of the TASC and SMO listserves for most of them.


Once upon a time, there was a girl walking
along the beach. The tide had brought in a
lot of starfish, leaving them stranded all
along the beach. The girl picked one up and
gently placed it back into the ocean. A man,
also strolling along the beach, stopped and
said to the girl:"You will never be able to
help all these stranded starfish!" The girl
replied:"Maybe I won't be able to help all
of them, but I surely just made a difference
for this one!" And she continued placing the
starfish back into the ocean...

~author unknown

Not Alone

Running errands and
Talking on the phone
I am pleasantly reminded
That I am not alone.
Little tiny hands
A precious rounded knee
Pushing and twisting
That no one can see.

Oh sweet child
Kicking up your heels
It is our little secret
That only I can feel.

I look forward to your birth
When I can kiss your skin
But for now I will just smile
As I feel you play within.

~author unknown


Just one last poem before I go,
A note to all I've come to know.
The time to go has come for me,
But I'll miss you all so terribly.

And think of you most every day,
And wish you well, straight or gay,
True believer or athiest,
Each one of you gives your best.

The path we've chosen won't be easy,
Enduring sickness and feeling queasy.
The gaining weight and looking heavy,
Then water breaks like an open levee.

The rush to phone an excited mom,
Hurry to see little Jane or Tom.
You place the babe in waiting arms,
And watch as she turns on the charms.

Your job is done and you did it well.
And now a great story you have to tell.
Of dreams fulfilled and happiness,
From you I expected no less.

by Rhonda Washam, a surrogate mom

"What It Means to Be Adopted"

Teacher Debbie Moon's first graders were discussing a picture of a
family. One little boy in the picture had a different color hair than
the other family members. One child suggested that he was adopted and
a little girl named Jocelynn Jay said, "I know all about adoptions because I was adopted."
"What does it mean to be adopted?" asked another child. "It means,"
said Jocelynn, "that you grew in your mommy's heart instead of her tummy."

author unknown

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