Family Update 

August 2006


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Although we in some ways are not still a family (Belinda and I divorced in April of 2005), we still keep up and this will be a brief update of our current activities.

Sally has gone down a hard road, but I think she is on the other side now.  She went to a legalistic Christian college and decided to run into the other direction. After a period of drugs and alcohol, she moved to Atlanta and got a degree in massage therapy from the Atlanta School of Massage, As she was studying massage, she saw the correlation of body soul and spirit. She had started seeing it with Belinda's emotional stuff causing her cancer. She has just graduated (summer of 2006) from Colorado Christian with a degree in Psychology.  Back in 2004, she went to Hawaii for a week of a surfing camp - one of her dreams. In 2005 she also changed her name from Sally to Skylar.

Jeanette has gone to a number of schools including ones in London, Northern England and Austria trying to find her niche - I know the feeling! She got a degree in Esthetology  from the Florida School of Natural Healing in Sarasota, FL. but found out that her license was only good in FL! She now lives in Atlanta and is going to an Aveda salon school again studying skin care.

Since Belinda was healed of the cancer, God has been doing an inner healing in her.  For a while, she read every book she could get her hands on about emotional healing and worked with the  Door of Hope Biblical Counseling Ministry near our former home in Tryon, NC. She now lives in Colorado Springs and works with  Lydia Press ( ), a ministry that publishes books and teaches about Dissociative Identity Disorder and other traumatic disorders. She is in charge of a number of things in the ministry and from my understanding is second in charge.  She is doing very good emotionally and physically.One of the most awesome tools that God has used for her is Theophostic ministry. All of us have wounds from past traumas. Only Jesus can go into the past and heal the trauma at the source. "Theophostic Ministry acknowledges that Jesus is the only one who can truly release the wounded from their emotional/mental bondage. Theophostic (God's Light) is all about the Lord Jesus." For more information, see the article in Christianity Today. It is a fairly accurate article. Unfortunately, there are a few misquotes, and it overemphasizes the dealing with demonic spirits. The letters to the editors (number 1 and number 2) are good to read also. 

Starting in June of '01, Belinda has started to help others that have gone through emotional traumas.


And for me, see the most of the rest of this site - especially About Me 

  Photo Album - Family pictures, none current, but here they are.


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