God did not intend that His children be sickly. He provided for the healing of our bodies in the atonement, just as surely as He provided for the salvation of our souls. This is fully documented by the Scriptures. God has always had a plan for His people.  He cares for His own, those who believe and trust in Him. The Israelites had an ordinance or promise of healing, as they left Egypt and began their long journey into the wilderness. (Exodus 15:25,26) David exhorted us to remember the benefits of the Lord.  Isaiah prophesied about the sin-bearer who also carried our sickness and pain. 
Many scriptures point out Jesus Christ as the Great Physician as well as the sacrificial Lamb. 

The Great Commission, according to Mark, declared that one of the signs following the preaching of the gospel would be the healing of the sick. "They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." (Mark 16:18) "And the prayer of faith shall save the sick." (James 5:15) The price was paid for the healing of our bodies by Jesus Christ, in the atonement. According to Isaiah, "He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our  iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him:  and with his stripes we are healed." (Isaiah 53:5) If we accept God's plan of salvation as our own and embrace it with all our hearts, then we should also accept His plan for healing of our bodies. It involves simple obedience and faith. In thebeginning, God created Adam and Eve in perfect health. Disobedience brought sickness and disease into the world. When Jesus died, He not only bore our iniquities but also our sickness. Divine healing is provided for everyone who will believe, trust in God, and follow Bible instructions.

Not once did Jesus turn away a case as hopeless! Remember that nothing is impossible with God. This God-man healed all manner of diseases, including leprosy, palsy, fever, paralysis, blindness, deafness, a withered hand, and the list could go on  and on! The ministry of healing continued, even after Jesus went back to heaven. 


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