Matthew's Page of Personal Political Opinions
Part 1


President William Jefferson Clinton, Impeached

Why He Should be Given Another Chance

The Constitution requires that "The President . . . shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors" (Constitution Art II, § 4).

During his Senate trial, the President's lawyers spent lots of time (and even more money, I'm sure) explaining why his actions were neither high crimes nor misdemeanors. However, they failed to use the only valid arguement to prove that point. This is what they should have said:

"We know that the President has no understanding of semantics. He simply does not know what words mean. By his own admission, he doesn't even know what 'is' is.

"The Oath of Office for the President states, 'I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States . . .' (Constitution Art II, § 1) Mr Clinton, with his limited grasp of the English language obviously misunderstood his obligation. He realized that 'execute' means to kill. He also, I assume, realized that he could not kill anything inanimate, such as the office of the President. Therefore he decided to do the next best thing--destroy it. He has has spent the past several years trying to do that.

"President Clinton's only crime is that of stupidity. He did not know what he was supposed to do as president. That does not fit the criteria of 'high Crimes and misdeamors.' Stupid? yes; impeachable? no. Stupidity is neither a high crime nor a misdemeanor. He does not need impeachment--he needs a new dictionary."

He has only done what he thought the President was supposed to do. He has destroyed all respect that the world has for the office of the President of the United States. In fact, he has done such a good job that I think that we should repeal the 22 Amendment, give him a third term in office, and see if he can finish the job. Of course if we did that I would move somewhere with more reputable leaders. Like China, Columbia, or Cuba.


page added March 1999

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