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This is our family:

We are a family of five people: Akiva, Ilene, Elly, Avi, and Ariella.

Akiva works as a computer programmer in Florham Park, New Jersey, for Datacor. My division is programming in Visual Basic 3.

Ilene is in the Development department at the Elizabeth General Medical Center Foundation.

For those of you who missed attending our family's recent simchas, you don't need to have missed the speeches they gave!

--- Avi's speech click here
--- Akiva's speech (preliminary version) click here
--- Elly and Ariella's poem to Avi click here

--- Elly's speech click here
--- Akiva's speech click here

Links to some interesting stuff:

Advanced Torah ideas, excerpts from the Mail-Jewish mailing list:

--- Why do we say "s'lach lanu" immediately after Yom Kippur? click here
--- What is a Rabbi? What is Semicha? click here
--- Exactly when did Chazal ban capital punishment? And why? click here
--- Some interesting mussar from (believe it or not) Mike Tyson... click here
--- Akiva Miller's Links Page. click here

Good computer stuff. Check this out if you type Hebrew!

--- Character Map, version 2.0, for Windows click here

General funny stuff. These are not original, but they're pretty funny:

--- An essay which someone wrote on his NYU entrance application click here
--- Ideas for what kinds of bread to throw for Tashlich click here
--- A customer service call from a clueless WordPerfect user to Tech Support click here

Why did the chicken cross the road? (Not original, but very funny)

--- As answered by Star Trek characters click here
--- As answered by famous Jewish personalities click here
--- As answered by other famous personalities click here

Other original stuff from the Millers:

--- Do you know a young boy who has trouble pronouncing his R's? Have him read Irving, The Dirty Turtle.
--- Ever wonder what would happen if Xmas was a Jewish holiday? Check out The Halachos of Xmas.

Visit our Alma Mater!

In our college days, Akiva attended Yeshiva College, and Ilene went to Stern College, both of which are divisions of Yeshiva University.
After graduation, we went to Ohr Somayach and Neve Yerushalayim in Israel.
Since then, we've returned to New Jersey, and are active members of the Jewish Educational Center of Elizabeth.

Miller FAQ:

In response to many questions, we sadly point out that
--- We are not related to Rabbi Avigdor Miller, although we do recommend his tapes and seforim.
--- We are also not related in any way to Miller Beer, nor can we recommend drinking it until it gets a hechsher. ;-)

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