. . my friends . .

~ Suzy ~ I've known her for about 8 years. She's totally awsome and I luv her like a sister!! She's has ALWAYS been here for me what I've needed her. She's a great listener and gives great advice. Suzy always know how to make me laugh and cheer up when I need it. (SAF Suzy!! )

~ Nelisa ~ She's great!! I met her at school about 3 years ago. She introduced me to God and I luv her for that!! I know she will always be here for me too.

~ Kris ~ He's my wonderful boyfriend = ) He's so much fun to be around and I love him lots. I'm so glad God put him in my life.

~ Shane and April ~ They're so cute together! They are so fun to be with too. I know if I needed anything that I could depend on them.

~ Michelle ~ She's my great sister who I totally love and don't know where I'd be without her!! She's not only my sister but one of my very best friends. I know I can tell her anything and she won't judge or look down on me. She'll help me through anything.

~ Lauren ~ I have a lot of fun with Lauren too. We like have so much in common with what we think. I have the same opinions about so much. I luv talking to her. ~ Shout outs ~ Hi Kristen, Kami, Cassie, Norm, Mark, Matt, DJ, and Scott.

I have been really screwed over by a lot of friends this summer but I know these guys are my true friends and I can depend on them. I luv 'em all!! Thanks for being here for me guys!!