Divine Intervention
This is when GOD by direct action unconditionally affects life.
There are many examples of this:
- Salvation
- The destruction of the earth via the flood
- Gods hardening of pharoah's heart
- The life, crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus
Divine Influence
This is when GOD influences the flow of life. There are many examples of this:
- Revelation/influence from the Holy Spirit
- Angelic presence
Demonic Influence
This is when Satan or demonic forces influence the flow of life.
- The book of Job
- The affect of Judas
Spiritual Self
This is a person's soul.
Physical Self
This is a person's body.
Other people
This is the influence other people have on a person's life.
- Delilah on Samson
- Society
This is the physical universe as science describes it.
- Weather
- Animals
- Gravity, etc.