Tracy's Pet Page!!>

<bgsound src="midi/myheartwillgoon.mid" loop=infinite>

Nalla was one of mine. She was three years old when she died. She was one of my favorite hamsters. As you can see Mel agrees with me. She just loved to watch Nalla

She loved raisins. She could hear you open the bag and she would be waiting for you. She was very special.

Ginny belonged to my sister. She was five when she died. She thought she was a dog. She had her own pillow and she would scratch on it. When you bothered her she would growl at you. And she also would bring pine needles from outside in and make a nest during the spring.

Peanuts was fourteen when he died. We had to put him to sleep because he was very sick. My mom had taught him how to grin. So when ever you would grin at him, he would grin back.

Cinnamon was two when he died. I took him away to school with me. He loved it in the dorm. I had a plastic ball he would roll around in. And everyone loved to play with him.

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