The 39th Kentucky Mounted Infantry was organized in the Fall of 1862 at Old Peach Orchard, Lawrence County, Kentucky. The volunteers for this regiment were drawn from the counties bordering the Big Sandy Valley, but some came from as far away as Tennessee, Virginia, and North Carolina. While the 39th did not participate in any of the Civil War's major battles, it saw much service in combatting the numerous guerrilla bands, as well as regular Confederate forces, deep in the Appalachian Mountains. Some of the battles and skirmishes that the 39th did participate in include: the second battle at Cynthiana, Harrison County, Kentucky; the battle at Licking Meadows, Magoffin County, Kentucky (also known as Puncheon Creek or Half Mountain); the first and second battles at Saltville, Virginia; the Johnson County Boat Fight; Turman's Ferry; and a host of other smaller skirmishes. The 39th may be one of the most controversial regiments in the United States Army, at least that's what we feel after four years of research. Brian and I hope you find this site useful and informative and thank you for your patronage!
The material on this website is copyrighted (c) 2000-1 by Robert M. Baker and Brian E. Hall. What that means is that you are welcome to use any and all of this information in your own research without fee. However, you may not cut and paste our pages at will and post them on another website or publish them for profit in any way without first obtaining consent. While the information is not our property, the words and their organization (including the annotations in the rosters and the html codes contained in those scripts) have been copyrighted and are the intellectual property of Robert M. Baker and Brian E. Hall. You may link to this website at will, but please don't take the rosters and use them without giving credit where it is due. Brian typed each entry by hand and Robert typed in the html codes after each name. With a total of nearly three thousand entries for all of the rosters, we are certain you can understand our desire to avoid having our hard work stolen and posted on another website. This was a labor of love and we will defend our rights and insist that any trespassers honor the laws which secure these rights for us. Our research, some of which has been placed on this website, will appear in a future book. Seek permission before you choose to publish any of our research in print or on the internet. In addition, many of these photographs and family stories presented on this website are owned by the descendants. Do not use their materials without first gaining their permission. They were placed on this site after we first sought permission. Do not place yourself at legal risk! Seeking permission beforehand is not difficult!
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Brian is currently working on an annotated and corrected roster. If you have any biographical information about or photos of any of the 39th's veterans, please contact us or leave it here on the Bulletin Board. We are striving to create an accurate and complete record of who served in the regiment, where they came from, and where they went after the war. With your help, we should be able to do so.
Brian put this set of pages together to help the new genealogist or historian learn how to order a soldier's records from the National Archives in Washington. There are complete explanations and internet links to make the job of ordering Grandpa's service or pension records a little easier.