Jessica Fresco


Jessica lives in Livermore, California, with her husband Kyle Chand. She teaches at a private middle school. She and Kyle have just got a dog, Sita.

Reunion Survey Answers 1999

1. What are you doing now?

Teaching middle school

2. Are you married?

Married July 19, 1997 to Kyle Chand

Kids? No kids, but a German Shepherd named Sita

3. Most exciting thing to happen to you since we graduated.

Traveling to interesting places and meeting new friends

4. Any graduate work?

Master's degree in education from the University of Illinois

5. Who do you most want to contact from our class/expect to see at the reunion?

Anyone who was nice to me in high school.

6. Funniest memory from HKIS?

I can't even think of this...I suppose being at the reunion will jog my memory!

7. What was your "Ten Years From Now?"...Did it happen?

I don't remember for sure, but I think it was about stealing french fries from people...I still do it!

8. Now that we've grown up, are you what you wanted to be? What do you want to be?

Yes, but I still want to write books. 9. Favorite HKIS teacher?

Sr. Wong-Russell, who was always fun and taught us so much.

Least favorite?

Mrs. Duncan-Laird (Collis) because she was always yelling at us!

10. How many cities have you lived in since graduation?

London, England (Richmond and Kensington)

Champaign-Urbana, Illinois (both towns!)

Dublin and Livermore, California

7 different apartments/houses and three dorm rooms! (ugh!)

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