Kerry Ford



Reunion Survey Answers 1999

Survey - OH MY!!!! Alright - here you go. Don't say that I don't have any "class spirit" - Rah Rah...

1. What are you doing now?

I have just made some pretty drastic changes in my life. After two years as a graduate student, I received my Masters in International Management from Thunderbird in the beginning of May. At the end of the month, I left Arizona and drove to Dallas, TX where I have been staying with Angela until my new apartment is ready. This week, I just started my new job at Nortel Networks, working in their Global Accounts Group. 2. Are you married? When? Kids? How old?


3. Most exciting thing to happen to you since we graduated.

I was able to spend almost a year back in Hong Kong and Tokyo as part of my old job.

4. Any graduate work?

Masters in International Management - Thunderbird

5. Who do you most want to contact from our class/expect to see at the reunion?

I would love to have Angela, Rita, Anjali and I all in the same room together... Although I have seen them all since high school, we have not all been in the same place at the same time... I guess we will have to do it another time though since I know Rita won't be able to make it to the reunion. 6. Funniest memory from HKIS?

There are lots of silly memories - Angela swinging her bra over head, yelling "yee haw" at the Tai Tam American Club, Ada Shum and the pineapple rice, thinking we were "cool" for going to the In Place freshman year, dancing at Crossroads, wine coolers in the park, Mr. Holtberg catching Anjali and I smoking cigarettes, going up to Nature and Rita playing her guitar, Pete Movizzo hanging the "Kerry is Hairy" sign from the outside the cafeteria right down to the window outside my religion class, field hockey practices and pretending to run laps, Angela being afraid to tuck in her shirt or run through the tape at the basketball tournament and of course, Anjali's obsession with her khaki pants/black shirt combos.....

7. What was your "Ten Years From Now?"...Did it happen?

"Driving a buick station wagon with three screaming kids in the backseat". Nope - not even close - although unfortunately I did drive a buick in college for a while...

8. Now that we've grown up, are you what you wanted to be? What do you want to be?

For now, I am happy --- Dallas is a new and exciting city and I am looking forward to spending a bit of time there before heading back to the East Coast.

9. Favorite HKIS teacher? Least favorite?

Favorites included Feia, Penha and Doc. O.

Least favorite? There wasn't a least favorite but I do laugh when I think of how ridiculous Dr. Goodyear was...

10. How many cities have you lived in since graduation?

Well, now that I'm thinking about it, I've actually lived in quite a few places since HKIS: 9 cities.

1. Easton, PA (4 years): Lafayette College

2. Dijon, France (6 months): study abroad Junior year in college.

3. Jersey City, NJ (1 year): Oops, a bit of a flail - Angela and I lived together - we didn't realize that the City was where all the action and our finances were somewhat limited so Jersey City it was...

4. New York, NY (3+ years): Angela and I got smart - we realized any money we saved in rent was lost on all of our 5am cab rides back to Jersey City. She left me after a year though to go to b-school in Dallas.

5. Tokyo (6 months): I was working for a law firm in NY and worked on a special project in Tokyo - unfortunately, I arrived there about three weeks after my parents left Tokyo and moved back to the States.

6. Hong Kong (3 months): Same project, different city... it was fun to be back one last time before HK went back to China

7. Phoenix (2 years): I spent two years getting my masters at Thunderbird.

8. Detroit (3 months): I did an internship at Ford Motor Company so I spent last summer in the Motor City (that was enough time there!).

9. Dallas (2 weeks): I just got here but am expecting to be here for about a year before returning to New York.

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