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Welcomes You to

Wolfie and Foxie's POM Page!

  dogbee-a.gif (7734 bytes) name is Wolfgang" or "Wolfie" for short.  This is our hompage dedicated to me and my wife "Foxy".  Yes, we are married.  My adopted family considered us officially married, when they caught me kissing my woman on the lips.

   We are AKC registered, but we don't let that go to our heads.  We are friendly, child proof and are for the most part potty trained.   Sometime we mess up, but we do that on purpose to remind our adopted parents, who has the real run of the house. 

   We've spent 2 long human years together and love every minute of it.  The only time the old lady gives me a hard time, is during labor.  Man...can that woman yell!  She acts like it hurts or something.

   We've had 3 sets of kids together.  If your interested in our geneology here is a little bit provided by my adopted parents.


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Here we are with our adopted dad Joe. We were on the road and had to walk him.  I am Wolfie and this is my wife Foxy..  Foxy was only about 10 mos old, so her real coat hadn't kicked in yet.  But she looked beautiful to me!



Here's the little lady with our  second litter in the kennel...and the kids refusing to pose for a picture



Here's dad again trying to make us so call "bond" with their pet bird "Pepe".  Honestly...the things these humans put us through!


Believe it or not, my dad is actually wearing short shorts.  My wife had just had a hard day!


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Wolfgang Bass:

Born: 28 July 1994

Place: San Antonio, Texas

Color: Sable

Father: Rootbeer

Mother: Perfect Honey


Foxy Princess Bass:

Born: 10 February 1996

Place: San Diego, California

Color: Cream (ooh la la) what a fox!

Father: Duke Junior

Mother: Mommys Little Precious Honey

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Our Kids:


Pepe Bass now married to Ebony Bass, Jacksonville, Fl.

(Parents of 5 newborn pups, 30 July 98)

Sophie Bass (joined a chihuahua gang member), RVing the U.S.

Sammy Cuevas, Puerto Rico

Belle Blanchard, Sabana Seca, Puerto Rico

Jackson Love, Sabana Seca, Puerto Rico

Laverne Fields, Ft. Buchanan, Puerto Rico

Sashi Frantz, Ft. Buchanan, Puerto Rico

Krispy Arden, Sabana Seca, Puerto Rico

Josie Alicea, Sabana Seca, Puerto Rico

These kids haven't flown the coop yet, but were trying!

Rocky Bass

Bear Bass

Whew! Yes as you can tell, I am a lucky hubby!


Thank you so very much for visiting our happy family.  Come on back, we hope to have pictures of the kids soon!


Our Favorite Webrings take a looksie and visit the neighbors...maybe we can find a tree?


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