Following God's Example
How do I follow God's example? The Bible is filled with how God wants us to be. The best example of following God's example is to strive to be more like Christ. He was and is the true model of how God wants us to live, act and be. Ephesians 5 "Follow God's example in all that you do, because you are His dear children. Live a life filled with love for            others, following the example of Christ, who loved you and gave himself as a sacrifice to take away your sins. And God was pleased,            because that sacrifice was like sweet perfume to him."†

Just as children learn from following the example of their parents we can and will learn from following God's example. His great love for us, led Him to sacrifice himself so that we may live. Our love for               others should be of the same kind. A love that goes beyond affection to self sacrificing service. We must do what is holy and righteous, strive with all our being to be more like Him.

God has given us a new beginning! First we must have a clean heart
 Psalm 51:10 " Create in me a clean heart O God. Renew a right spirit
 within me".† Psalm 51:12" "Restore to me again the joy of your salvation and make me willing to obey you".†
Because we are sinners, our natural inclination is to please ourselves rather than God. God can and will cleanse us from within if we ask, filling our hearts with new thoughts and desires. Right                      conduct can only come from a clean heart. With a clean heart we are able to leave our past self behind and follow the example                         God has provided for us.

God wants us to be close to him, what parent does not want to be close to their child. He wants us to experience His full and complete life. But sin that remains unconfessed makes such intimacy impossible. Confess your sins, all of them. You may have to face some earthly    consequences, but God will give back the joy of your relationship with him. When God forgives our sins He restores our fellowship with Him. We want to reachout to others who need forgiveness and           reconciliation. Lamentations 3:23 "Great in his faithfulness                     his mercies begin afresh each day."†
God willingly responds with help when we   ask. Are we willing to forgive others, reach out and help others who need?                             Each day is a new beginning, it is up to us to chose what we want to do with it! Romans 5:11 "So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God all because what our Lord Jesus Christ                has done for us in making us friends of God".†

    When we claim to be God's Children we must behave like God's children. We must show faith and works. One with out the other is incomplete. James 2:17 "So you see it isn't enough just to have faith. Faith that does not show itself by good deeds is no faith at all~               it is dead and useless".†

We can not earn our salvation by serving and obeying God. Our salvation comes from accepting Jesus into our life, repenting of
our sins, asking for forgiveness, believing Jesus as the true and risen Christ. Good deeds show our commitment is real. Deeds of a loving service are not a substitute for, but rather a verification                         of our faith in Christ. When someone claims to have faith, what he or she may have is intellectual assent~agreement with a set of Christian teachings~ and such it would be incomplete faith. True faith transforms our conduct as well as our thoughts. If our life remains unchanged, than we do not truly believe the truths we claim to believe.

God gives us His blessings! Luke 11:28 "But even more blessed are all
 who hear the word of God and put it into pratice".† When we follow the example of God and become more Christ like. God pours His blessings out on those who hear his Word and follow his examples                          and put it into practice through out their daily lives. The Light Of Christ shines from within us and all that we do.

                             Receiving The Light