Gods Care is a model for our care for others.

Luke 11:33"No one lights a lamp and then hides it or puts it under a basket. Instead it is put on a lampstand to give light to all who enter the room. Your eye is a lamp for your body. A pure light lets sunshine into your soul. But an evil eye shuts out the light and plunges you into darkness  make sure the light you think you have is not really darkness.       If you are filled with the light,with no dark corners,            then your whole life will be radiant, as though a floodlight is on you".†

       The Lamp is Christ, the eye represents spiritual understanding and insight. Evil desires make the eye less sensitive and blot out the Light of Christ's presence. To receive the Light we must check our vision so to speak, are sinful desires blinding us from Christ.   God is at work in our lives and in the world. How do you use the resources and talents God has entrusted you with?  Don't be a Christian on the outside only,       others may be fooled but God isn't. Bring your inner life under the control of God. Let his Light Shine in all that you do, and your outer light will reflect Him
  Luke 12:8-9 "And I assure you of this: If anyone acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I the Son Of Man,will openly acknowledge
that person in the presence of God's  angels. But If anyone denies me here on earth, I will deny that person before God's angels".† Jesus? Yes we do when we hope one will find out we are Christians. Decide not to speak up for what is ight, according to His will. When we are silent about our relationship with God. When we blend in to society and        accept our cultures non Christian values. 

By contrast we acknowledge Christ when we live in a moral, upright Christian honoring life. When we look for opportunities to share our faith with others, help others in need, take a stand for justice, love others, acknowledge our loyalty to Christ and use our resources             to carry out His desires rather than our own.
Christians are followers of Christ. To be a follower is to pattern your life after the one whom you follow. Christ is the   Ultimate example of how to live a life that is pleasing to God. If we pattern our lives after Christ, we please God.Not only that we find ourselves accepted into His
 eternal kingdom. To be Christ like is our ultimate goal. We want to think His thoughts,  show His attitudes and live as he would here on earth today. It is an awesome goal, since we are not perfect that goal seems unattainable

The key is that we are not Christ, but we can strive to be like Christ. Christ himself does  promise to give us the power for living effectively for him. 2 Corinthians 3:18 "All of us have had the  veil removed so
 that we may be mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord. And   the  spirit of the Lord  works within us,   we become more and more like
 Him and reflect his glory even more".†   Psalm 37:5-6                "Commit everything you do to the lord. Trust Him, He will help you
 He will make your innoncence as clear as the dawn, and the justice will cause you to shine like the noonday sun".†

  In doing this we recieve the Light   of Christ and carry it with us into    the world, bearing His light to all who are in need or seek. We have been given the greatest gift of all by God.
               The Gift of Salvation

If you have not received Jesus as   your savior and would like to now
 just click on  the door it is open to all who knock, so come on                  in and receive God's Gift .