Meet the Rest of My Family...

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This was taken on Easter Sunday, 1997 at my parents’ home in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of North Georgia. Here you see my mom and dad, sister and her daughter, and me. My mother is a retired school teacher and my dad was a retired business administrator. When I was a kid I used to tell my friends he was a secret agent for the FBI because I didn’t know what a business administrator was. Plus, I thought being an FBI agent sure sounded like an exciting kind of job ... at least a lot more exciting than being a business administrator. Long after I had graduated from high school, I ran into one of my friends I had told that tale to. He asked about my dad and wanted to know if my dad was still a special agent. Talk about being embarrassed! I had to confess and tell the truth at that point! I felt like an idiot!

Here we are with my parents on Father's Day 1997. I love this picture. This was one of the last photos taken of my dad. He died on October 4, 1997 of prostate cancer after a seven year battle. Each year 300,000 men are diagnosed with this disease and 40,000 men will die of it. Early detection can save lives. Learn more about prostate cancer. The life you save may be your own or the life of a loved one.

Here's one of my favorite photos of my dad. One of the cancer treatments made his eyes ultra sensitive to the sun and that's the reason for the shades. I think they make him look like a "cool" dad.

And another. He had just gotten a new Ford Explorer for those rugged mountain roads and was putting the shine on it.