Welcome to the World of Pentecost
Ephesians 4:5
“The old bar "Bloody Bucket" had to be remodeled.”
“And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!”
2 Timothy 2:15
Church Founders
Brother and Sister Edwards
Reverend Jack Edwards 1919 – 1998
Christina Edwards 1920 - 1998
View the late Reverend Edwards's preaching credentials:
Note: The following information was taken from Pastor Edwards' notes for his speech given at the 40th anniversary of the church in March 1997. The church awarded him and Sis. Edwards with a bronze plaque commemorating the occasion, which is posted in the vestibule along with a picture of them.

“On December 1956, Reverend Jack Edwards with his wife Christina, their two daughters, and son came to Pittsburg, California, where God had called him to preach.


My outlook was urgent, sick with stomach ulcers, wanting to do something for the Lord before death.

Started searching for a building to start holding church. Available finances ... NOTHING. Pastor's income as electrician approximately $8,000 yearly. House rent $75.00 monthly, daily drive to work, 28 miles. Car payment $55.00 per month. Preaching experience: A two week revival, church-sitting two weeks while the pastor was gone, two years of door knocking, Sunday School Superintendent for two years, about four years of very eventful living, and continuous revival spirit.

Met with City Council of Pittsburg for a variance permit. Local citizens also met with petition AGAINST church use for building on 5th and Cutter Streets. Found a place on the corner of Poinsettia and Willow Pass Road. The old bar "Bloody Bucket" had to be remodeled. Many complications, but the Lord overcame all. Hundreds of dollars was spent by landlord to upgrade the building. Rent was $65.00 per month.


Finally the doors were opened March 31, 1957. The first Sunday School had 24 in attendance including our neighbor, Donald O'Keefe. A family on Poinsettia who believed the truth came, Edith Vigil's family, plus other friends.

Our first convert was Sister Vigil. She was baptized May 3, 1957. Her two daughters were baptized July 28, 1957.”


Our membership Applications and Fellowship Cards were made before April 1958, and we still are using original cards printed in 1958!!!

The United Pentecostal Church of Pittsburg became a corporation with 9 members, on April 14th (charter members). Nineteen people were baptized before Donald O'Keefe was; he was number twenty on September 30th.

On November 28th, Bro. Edwards performed the wedding for Donald O'Keefe and Abigail Solis in our church. Then on December 7th, Donald and Abigail O'Keefe were accepted as members of The United Pentecostal Church of Pittsburg, Inc.


Photo of first phase of construction.

After much exciting work and help from the Lord we moved into the first phase of our building in 1962. We still had 25 in Sunday School. Sometime in 1964 we started our Sanctuary.


March 1967 Donald Hugh O'Keefe left Pittsburg to start a church in Antioch, CA.


Photo of second phase of construction.

The year of 1970 Brother Edwards sold his house to loan the church $7000.00 to pay off the loan on the first building, at no interest. 1972 Brother Edwards sold another house to loan the church $10,000.00 to finish the Sanctuary, at no interest.


We moved into our new Sanctuary, church membership doubled that same year.


December 1975 the Pittsburg School District wanted to force our children to watch television. We refused to allow this. We picketed them and won our case with them. But we already had begun proceedings to start our own Christian School, and we did in 1976. Brother Edwards had to retire from the Electrical Trade so he could be principal of our school. He couldn't work 3 jobs at once!


One of our young ministers started a new work in Martinez, California. The Pittsburg Church went to Martinez twice a week to hold services to help him get started. Dennis Rawski was the young minister.


Finally the church mortgage was paid off!


In 1988 we installed a sewer system in our church. We had been on a septic tank all this time. It cost us $40,000.00. I don't know where we got the money, but we didn't mortgage the church.


Brother Kerr came as an Associate Pastor.


Brother and Sister Edwards went to Sierra Leone to dedicate a new church (the Headquarters Church). Brother O'Keefe had built 56 churches and needed a Headquarters Church. He had been a missionary for 20 years in the country of Sierra Leone.


Brother Edwards' sister, nephew, and wife were baptized in Jesus name. After 40 years they decided they needed the Lord. Praise the Lord!

>> More  History – page II

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