temporary location! this file will stay here for about 1 month.
ENGLISH dictionary still incomplete (lacking about 20 terms out of 200). I need to add also as much as possible about YORK. If you wanna help me see below and download either (or both) the English and Italian versions, compare them (numbered indexes) and edit following the istructions.

UMAN: Universal MAsonic traNslator 
version: beta(version.subversion.bugfix.newentry) 

FROM: italiano > english > french >
TO: italiano > english > french >

TRANSLATION into the selected language for selected item is:

(item # )

Search whether a word is listed in the database
(ALL databases, NOT case-sensitive, matches ALSO substrings):


TIEPOLO: Sarah and the Angel (1726/8). Udine, Italy
TIEPOLO: "Sarah and the Angel
Udine, Italy 



Search by number
Do you want to help out to add lists of these very terms in other languages? Download a list of the terms. Instructions Included. Thank you.
TIEPOLO: "Venezia receives Neptune's homage"
Venezia, Italy


This file took many sleepless nights. Re-use as you wish, but provide a link to this source.