From The Jena Times - Olla Tullos Signal; Jena, LaSalle Parish, La.
Micro Film at the LaSalle Parish Library, Located in Jena, LaSalle Parish, La.
Funeral Services Held Monday For Earl E. Renfrow
Funeral services for Earl Eugene Renfrow, 44, were held at the Fellowship
Baptist Church on Monday with Rev. S. B. Spinks, officiating.
Mr. Renfrow died at the St. Patrick's Hospital in Lake Charles on Wednesday.
He was an electrician and a veteran of World War II.
Interment was in Belah Cemetery under direction of Hixson Brothers Funeral
Home of Jena.
Survivors include a son ES Eugene Renfrow, stationed in Germany, a brother,
Orvin Renfrow of Columbia, South Carolina.
Pallbearers were Finley Rosier, Forrest Tingle, Lonnie Cotten, Dale Taylor,
Alvin Allen and Lonnie Allen.
Thursday, Jan. 23, 1969