Anabelle & Daniel's Scrapbook

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Anabelle's Corner

Tulip Festival in LaConner, Washington (April 2002)

Hi. I'm Anabelle. I "popped" into the world one early morning at 4:22 a.m. September 15, 1960 in Manila, Philippines!! I'm the 7th of seven children born to Elder Johnny and Siok Cheng Lieuson, weighing in at 8 lbs 9 oz! Whata heavyweight!

Little Anabelle with her Mommy

Little Anabelle with her Daddy

At the tender age of 7, my family and I immigrated to Vancouver, Canada in June 1968. What a memorable time everyone had on the P & O Liner, Iberia. It took a month to reach Vancouver from Manila, stopping by Hong Kong, Tokyo, Hawaii, Los Angeles, and San Franciso. First remark Lil Anabelle made getting off the ship in Vancouver was, "Mom, where are all the people?" For in Manila, there are people and traffic jam everywhere. What a drastic change to the calm and quietness of peaceful, beautiful Vancouver!

Can you find Anabelle? Clue: She's dressed in pink and smiling ear to ear!

I enjoyed growing up in Vancouver with my family. And thanks to my parents, with their constant "coaching", they helped me remember and retain my Hokkien Chinese roots and Hokkien dialect. A funny thing, for the longest time, I called all the various Hokkien noodle dishes, "Mee", when they each have specific names. But with my mom's tireless teaching, I have finally gotten all the names down pat now!! There's "Cha Bee Hoon Mee", "Tung Hoon Mee", "Misua Mee", etc....

When it came time to choose a career, I decided on nursing because, "I want to help people"! So off I went to UBC (University of British Columbia) to pursue my nursing degree. It was a gruelling stint but with God's grace I made it and graduated with my Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree in 1982.

For the past several years, I have enjoyed working at Burnaby Hospital, on a Medical Unit and at BC Women's Hospital, on Postpartum.

I love many things......most of all God, creator of all things.....but I also enjoy singing in my church choir, attending musicals, going to the theatre or movies, eating out, spending time with family and friends, and clicking on the computer doing email or doing webpages!!

And then a special person enters my life on March 6, 1998! Who? Mr. Daniel Wee or Mr D as I affectionately call him and his petname for me? Miss A!!!!

Anabelle participating in the
1997 ECBC Christmas Presentation

April 3, 1998: Anabelle savoring the tulip festival at LaConner, Washington.

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© June 15,1998 DNA Corporation

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