Used some of the same graphics - just because I like them!
Guess what? Slow loading - lots of graphics****
There's a special "Lady" out there that I met when I first pulled out onto this superhighway;
She lives far away from me, but I'm hoping to meet her in person one day;
She knows more about me than I know myself most of the time;
And reminds me "no matter what", that things will be just fine;
She lifts me up when I'm feeling so "down";
And puts up with me when I'm being a "clown"!
Like the quilt in the background, our friendship is simple and true;
Finding a friendship like that, even in "real" life, isn't an easy thing to do;
Thanks "Shady" for being a friend of mine;
I dance every day - glad I found YOU "on-line"!!