This is my new puppy. He is Erninhill's High King of Ireland with a call name of Boru. He was born on February 11, 1998.

9 weeks old. borustick.jpg (38969 bytes) 21 months

He is from Erinhill Kennels out of Franklin Massachusetts. His sire is CH Borador's Willcare Master Copy WC, "DJ". DJ's hips are OFA good, elbows are OFA Clear and his eyes are cleared annually. He is a great dog with an outstanding personality. Boru's dam is Erinhill's Daily Special, "Haily". Haily's hips are OFA excellent, elbows are OFA Clear and her eyes are cleared annually. Together they made a great dog. I don't think you could ask for a better companion. Click here if you would like to see his full pedigree

Some call Boru a Momma's boy. I kinda like it that way. An 86 pound lap dog is kinda cool. 

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Boru taking a rest on my lap

Boru was PennHipped in May 1999 and has a great score. He  a .38 in both hips. PennHip measures the passive hip laxity in each hip. Research has shown that the degree of passive hip laxity is an important factor in determining susceptibility to develop Degenerative Joint Disease later in life.

We also CERFed his eyes in November 1999 and he passed that with flying colors

Although we do not have plans of breeding Boru, it's nice to know he is passing all of the standard tests.

He is my first attempt to enter the dog show circuit. We have hopes of at least entering a few conformation shows and later getting into obedience. We completed our CGC in the summer of 1999, and are now in competitive obedience classes. Only time will tell.


Memorial Day 1998.

He has gotten bigger and bigger by the month, but lucky for you I'm not going to load all of his pictures. Here are just a few .....


Pennyboru2.jpg (11915 bytes)      Boru_31b.jpg (9224 bytes)   

Penny and Boru Novenber 1998.        January 1999

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         February 1999                    Memorial Day 1999





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