Rob & Amy's

Our Wedding Photo

Pretty Divider

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Pretty Divider

Rob and I were married on a brisk November day in New Jersey. We had a brief, yet romantic honeymoon at the Jersey shore, and soon after moved to South Dakota to begin our married life.

Sightseeing was our favorite pasttime that first year, we left no part of the Black Hills of South Dakota unvisited! Hiking in the hills and sightseeing with vacationing family members was also added to our agenda during the summer months. Lunching at the highest point of the state (Harney's Peak) was particularly exhilarating.

Pretty Divider

Feeling the need for some responsibility, Rob and I decided to get a dog. Natasha entered our lives on November 15, 1993 when she was just 6 weeks old. What a handful she was as a puppy! Getting into trash and food, chewing everything in sight and hard to housebreak, she truly tested everyone's patience. But to look at her and into those puppy eyes, it was hard to stay angry. (Sometimes! LOL)

A few weeks after Tasha entered our lives, Rob and I soon found out we were about to get the ultimate responsibility - a baby! This was wonderful news, since we had been trying for almost a year to conceive. The pregnancy itself was uneventful, but there was turmoil in our lives. Rob had to go to Cuba when I was 6 months pregnant and he didn't get to return until after the baby was 2 months old.

During this time, I (with Tasha!) moved back home with my parents in New Jersey. It was hard for both of us to be separated during this time, but we kept in touch by writing letters to each other regularly and talking on the phone almost weekly. On August 14th 1994, Connor Austin was born and the time spent apart from Rob began to go a little faster. In October, Rob and I were reunited and Rob got to meet his first born.

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The next few months were slightly trying, getting used to living together again and adjusting to life with a baby. But, we sorted it out nicely by talking and reading lots of parenting books! The young family was thriving, happy and content. Once the harsh winter months began to subside, we started taking day trips again to various places. One of our favorite trips was a weekend in Denver to see Rob's Dad.

Then, in July, Rob was sent to Saudi Arabia for 3 months. Connor and I were sad to see him go, but we stayed busy with lots of family and friends visiting. My parents were the first to arrive. Grandma, PawPop and I had a good time landscaping and touring the area. Next was my sister, Jen, who stayed the entire summer and soon became a traveling fool - she got to see ALOT of the Black Hills, too :-) In August, my Uncle Dave and Jen's friend Melissa came to help celebrate Connor's first birthday. We all had a blast just hanging out or going on some sightseeing adventures.

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Rob and I were once again reunited in September. While Rob enjoyed his stay in Saudi and I had a nice summer with family, we were happier to be back together again. The next few months were spent planning for our move and the drive across the country. Rob had orders to Turkey! These orders were welcome since we were ready for a move and change of pace, plus I had good friends who were already there.

Before leaving for Turkey, we learned our family was going to expand again! Connor was going to have a little brother or sister by the fall and we were so excited!

Adjusting to life in Turkey was difficult to say the least, but my pregnancy kept everyone focused on the future. The long, hot (and I DO mean hot!! 90+ temperatures every day!) summer seemed to drag on forever, but at last, the fall came and so did Aric Angelo! He entered our lives on October 1st, 1996.

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Now, with two children and Rob working a new job, things really got hectic. We endured the most trying point in our marriage during this time. In October, my brother got married, so the boys and I left for the States and decided to stay there until Rob's tour in Turkey was finished in February. The separation was endurable since we were able to communicate consistently over the Internet and Rob got to come home for Christmas. Rob and I became convinced our marriage was stronger than ever at this point, and the following month and a half of being apart went quickly.

Our next duty station was in Dover, Delaware - close to home and friends and family! Making the transition to living as a family back in the good ol' US of A was one of the easiest things Rob and I have been thru. Life still has it's daily ups and downs, but things are good. Now, we're bracing for the next chapter - when Rob gets out of the military!

Pretty Divider

Pretty Divider

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