Picture Index for DCTA Improvements and Maintenance plan.

TRAIL HEAD (3 benches)

  1. Trail head looking NW
  2. Trail head looking west
  3. Trail head looking NE
  4. Trail head looking east
  5. NEAR MANTORVILLE BRIDGE (3 picnic tables)

  6. Southeast of Mantorville bridge
  7. ALONG SUNRISE TRAIL (1 bench)

  8. .1 mile south of Trail head
  9. BRUSH DUMP (3 benches, 3 picnic tables, and 2 landscaped areas)

  10. In brush dump looking SE
  11. In brush dump looking north
  12. In brush dump looking east
  13. Brush dump looking east from Hwy 57
  14. CEMETERY ROAD (2 benches, 1 picnic table)

  15. Looking north to cemetery road
  16. "Picnic hill" looking north along Hwy 57 towards cemetery road
  17. ALONG CO RD 15 (2 benches, 1 landscaped area)

  18. Looking north at intersection Hwy 57 and Co Rd 15
  19. Looking east along Co Rd 15 towards Par 4 drive
  20. SPRING CREEK (3 benches, 1 picnic table, and 1 landscaped area)

  21. Looking east at entrance to Spring Creek subdivision
  22. Looking south along retaining wall in Spring Creek subdivision
  23. Looking north from retaining wall ins Spring Creek subdivision
  24. Looking south near hilltop in Spring Creek sub.
  25. S CURVE (2 benches)

  26. Looking east at S curve between Angus and Little
  27. Looking north at S curve towards Angus acres and Spring Creek
  28. LITTLE’S MEADOW VIEW ESTATES (2 benches, 1 landscaped area)

  29. Looking east towards Little’s Meadow View estates, north end
  30. Looking east towards Little’s Meadow View estates, south end
  31. HIGH SCHOOL PARKING LOT (3 benches, 2 picnic tables, 1 landscaped area)

  32. Looking north along football field parking lot at east end of 16th st. Kasson.

Totals 21 benches 10 picnic tables 6 landscaped areas

Cost $200 $350 $500

Totals $4200 $3500 $3000 TOTAL $10,700