Frequently Asked Questions

Triplet List FAQ's
This is a group of frequently asked questions put together by a triplets email group. They should not be considered medical advice, simply the words of parents "who have been there".

Topics include: Pregnancy/Bedrest, Going to the Hospital/Having a C-Section, Infants' Issues, Toddler/Preschoolers, School-Aged, How to Choose a Pediatrician, Travel with Young Triplets, Home Uterine Monitoring, What We Love about HOM

Twin List FAQ's
A twins email group put together this extensive group of frequently asked questions. There are many subtopics under each topic.

Topics include:About the Twins List, Using the List, About Multiples in General, Parenting Issues, Surviving a multiple pregnancy, Preparing for Twins

Email Lists
Many busy parents of multiples find a great deal of support from online email lists. They offer an opportunity to make friends with parents in similar situations to your own who live all over the world.

Lists at this site include Triplets-l@Fatcity, HOM ,HOM Support, SPECPAR , Triplets Under Three, Parenting Multiples, LIMBO : Loss In Multiple Birth Outreach., Our Kids , Children's Disability Lists of Lists, Autism Mailing Lists, Living with autism

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