Fun Stuff!


Things We're Tired of Hearing / Would like to hear more of
Parenting Glossary of Terms
Things a Mother of Multiples doesn't want to hear
Expectant Fathers and Professions
If There Were Three Wise Women......
You Know You're a Mother When....

Things We're Tired of Hearing:

..and Things we'd like to hear more of...

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Parenting Glossary of Terms

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Things a Mother of Multiples doesn't want to hear from:


Spouse: What's for dinner?

Store Clerk: These were on sale LAST week.

Child: Sister won't share your lipstick with me.

Mother-in-law: When I was raising MY children....

Teacher: The class field trip is $20.00 per child, payable by Friday.

Mother: You need more rest, dear.

Mechanic: I have good news and bad news....

Child (in car): How come we had to go with you and brother got to stay
home by himself?

A Singleton Mom : When I was pregnant....

A Parent of Twins: How hard could one more be?

A Friend: Those extra pounds look good on you.

Principal: We have a slight problem....

Easter Bunny: I thought I had problems....

Child #1 (for birthday): I want a clown.
Child #2 : I want pony rides
Child #3 : I want a magician
Child #4 : I want a sleepover

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Expectant Fathers and Professions

Four expectant fathers were in Minneapolis hospital waiting room, while their wives were in labor.

The nurse comes in and tells the first man, "Congratulations! You are
now the father of twins!"
"What a coincidence!" the man exclaims, "I work for the Minnesota Twins baseball team!"

The nurse returns a short while later and tells the second man, "You are the father of triplets!" "Wow, what a coincidence!" he replies. "I work for the 3M Corporation!"

When the nurse comes again, she tells the third man that his wife has given birth to quadruplets.

"Another coincidence! I work for the Four Seasons Hotel!"

At this point, the fourth guy faints. When he comes to, the others ask what's wrong.

"What's wrong? I work for Seven-Up!!!!!"

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You DO know what would happen if it had been three wise WOMEN instead of three wise men, don’t you? They would have asked for directions, arrived on time, helped deliver the baby, cleaned the stable, fed the animals, made a casserole, sent out the announcements and bought disposable diapers as a gift!
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