<BGSOUND SRC="mac16.wav">
To my home page. A Special Place To Be!
Otherwise known as 'Classy' Harassment!
"Don't look at me!  I don't do things like that.  Remember, I'm 'SPARKELY' from the outside in.",  Connie stated brightly.
"Hey!  What happened to my room while I was gone?", asked Deb nervously. "I didn't do it!  Ask Debbie.  Debbie must have done it!",  Linda smiled innocently. "I didn't do it!  But I bought a handy, dandy, desktop cleaner at HONKS 99.  You want to use it?", Debbie earnestly asked. "What?  I just want to know where am I, and why am I here?  And where's my laptop?", pondered Kathy.

Deb, Linda, Debbie, Kathy, & Connie

presented by

Some regular bananas!
The ever faithful and much needed fan!
A bouncie, bouncie student.

The FAN!

The quiet student.
A pre-teen girl.

Click THEM

The nose wiper.  You know 'em when you see 'em.
and coming and coming and coming and coming and coming and coming and coming and coming . . . .
They just keep coming . . . . .

Co-Staring Roles!

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