About the Author
Kelly Rose Campbell was born June 2, 1977 at Kingston General Hospital. Her hobbies were collecting unicorns, sports cards, stuffed animals and art. She was a very gifted artist. She won awards for her work. Kelly also wrote a few short books.
In January 1989 Kelly received her honour award from her school and an award for inspiration to staf and students at Sharbot Lake High School.
Kelly died in the Kingston General Hospital on November 22, 1991. Her love for people and animals will never be forgotten.
Adventures of Mr. Tubbs
Chapter one
Meet Mr Tubbs
Once upon a time there was a man, a very funny man. Everybody knew him and liked him. He lived in a ghost town all by himself. He always got lots of exercise because he had to walk five miles to the next town and back. He left at 7:30 and he was always back to 10:30. His name is Mr. Tubbs.
The closest house to him belonged to his best friend, Art. Art's last name was Museum. Everybody laughed at his last name, except Mr. Tubbs. Mr. Tubbs was like a cartoon character to all the children that walked by him. He wore a lot of red and blue overalls with a plaid t-shirt to match and a Blue-Jay cap. Get a load of this, he had a big nose with big, bulgy, blue eyes and a lot of people said he had a big mouth. He had long grey hair that he preferred to keep in a braid and a fat little belly.
Oh, just incase you're curious, his nickname was Tubby Chubby. He hated being called that. His hands were big and bumpy, with his feet like king kong's (big and hairy) and his arms, well, he was called the muscle man of the town (ghost town that is). He was a 65 year old man, who wighted 265 pounds and tood four feet five inches high.
Mr Tubbs had a very good personality and loved to act very silly around children. He was always happy, but he had to be careful or he would catch a cold in the winter.
Chapter two
The Case of the Missing Apple Pie
One day, I think it was a Thursday, Butter-Cup was baking one of her famous apple pies. When she was done, she put it on the window ledge to cool and asked Mr Tubbs if he would like to come over. Well, Mr Tubbs just happened to love what she was cooking, so he said "Okay, why not."
She said to be at her home by 5:00 pm and it was already by 4:30. So, when Mr Tubbs got there, she welcomed him very kindly but she asked him to wash. He did no like that though. When he was done they sat down to eat at the table. Mr. Tubbs just happened to love what she was cooking for supper, chicken nuggests and french-fries. Can you guess what kind of dessert he liked?
You got it, apple pie. Butter-Cup said, "Would you like some desert?". Of course, you know the answer. But, when she got there, her pie was missing. What would she do? Maybe she should ask Mr Tubbs for help. So she did. They looked everywhere., high low, left, right and even diagonal. But they could not find it. Finally, Mr. Tubbs found some apples, a piece here and a piece there. He followed them, and do you know what he found? A cute little puppy. He picked up the puppy and took him to Butter-Cup. She said, "It's okay, little puppy, I won't call the pound."
The puppy was happy to hear her say that. Butter-Cup decided to keep the lost puppy. She named him Pete. Butter-Cup gave Mr. Tubbs a picturre of her and Pete. She had long blonde hair hanging down in a pony tail. She was wearing lots of make-up, especially around her dark blue eyes. She was only 25 years old when she got Pete. She said she wouldn't know what she'd do if anything ever happened to Pete.
Chapter three
Best Friends
One summer day, Mr. Tubbs decided to invite Art over for a party but, he did not tell Art untill the day before. When the day came, Mr Tubbs had to buy a lot of stuff. He went to the market, six miles from his house. Everyone thought it was too bad that Mr. Tubbs didn't have a car to get around in. By the time Mr. Tubbs got to the market, it was closed for lunch. He had to wait awhile. When the man who ran the market came back, Mr Tubbs jumped into the store as quickly as he could.
"Howdy there, Tubby Chubby. What's happening?"
"Well, I have to get a lot of stuff for my party tonight. Then, I have to walk home and after that I have to clean my house. Besides that, nothing much."
"Well, that's nice to hear Tubby."
"I had better get back to my shopping or I'll get way behind. See you, Bill."
"Bye Chubbs."
Mr Tubbs went back to his shopping and when he came to the cash register, he saw Butter-Cup.
"What are you doing here, Butter-Cup?" asked Tubby.
"Didn't you know?" said Butter-Cup. "I work here now, part-time."
"And what time do you work?"
"I work here at night from 5:00 to 10:30."
"But it isn't night yet. It is not even 5:00 yet."
"Oh yeah! Well, I think you had better check yor watch."
"Oh no! I better get going or I'll be late for my own party. Bye."
Mr. Tubbs paid for his things and left. By the time he got home Art was waiting outside his house.
"It's about time, Mr Tubbs."
"Sorry I'm late, Art."
"That's okay."
They went inside Mr. Tubbs" house. Mr Tubbs started cooking the food. First he cooked pizza and then some french fries. Later, this was what they had for a snack: popcorn, chips, dips, hot-dogs, candy bars, pop and some beer to wash it down. All night they watched T.V. and ate and they even played a few games. There were even some prizes like a book, pens, a hat and a supply of life-savers. At 4 a.m. the party ended.
"Goodbye Art," said Mr. Tubbs.
"Goodbye Tubbs," and both said together, "Were the best of friends."
Chapter four
Change of Heart
"When Mr. Tubbs was watching the 5:00 news, he heard the door bell ring, DINGzzzz, DINGzzzz, DINGzzzz.
"Hold your horse," he said. "I'm coming."
"I don't have any horses! Will you please buy me one?"
"What?" said Mr. Tubbs, as he opened the door.
"Hi! I'm the new door to door salesman. Would you like to buy something? You name it and I'll get it. Would you like to buy a horse?"
"No, go away!"
If there one was thing Mr. Tubbs hated, it was door to door salesmen!"
"Please!" pleaded the salesman.
"No!" Mr. Tubbs said, slamming the door in the salesman's face.
"Boo hoo hoo, boo hoo hoo."
"What's wrong?"
"Nobody likes me. They're always picking on me. They call me na;mes and holler at me. My boss said that if I don't sell anything, I'll lose my job. Then, I'll have no money and my mother and my wife and kids will have nothing to eat."
"How many kids do you have?"
"Four, well five. Actually, my wife is going to have a baby in a month."
"Okay. I'll buy something from you. How about a wa, a t.v. some clothes, toys, blankets, pillows, and some furniture. How much will that cost?"
"Okay, here's the money. When the stuff comes in, you keep it."
"Wow, thanks a lot. You're the nicest man I even knew! Bye."
Mr. Tubbs felt good about what he had done for the rest of the day.
See rest of the story here