Eastern Star

El Campo Chapter #535, Order of the Eastern Star meets every first and third Monday at 7:30 p.m., in the Lodge room of the El Campo Masonic Lodge, 1901 North Mechanic, El Campo, TX 77437


Worthy Matron

Carolyn Cox

Worthy Patron

D. A. Ford

What is Eastern Star?

The Order of the Eastern Star is a Masonic-related fraternity of women and men dedicated to charity, truth and loving kindness. Although not a part of the Masonic fraternity, membership is based on a Masonic affiliation or relationship, a belief in God, and a desire to acquire additional knowledge and for self improvement.

The degrees of the Order of the Eastern Star teach lessons of fidelity, constancy, loyalty, faith and love. These degrees are presented in a beautiful ritualistic ceremony designed to not only teach the lessons, but also to provide insight for future study and understanding.

Local Eastern Star Chapters select their own charities and places of service in their own communities. Some statewide projects include scholarships for ministerial students, other general scholarships for youth, and supporting a home for aged members. Each year special charities are selected for that year`s emphasis and might include volunteer programs in elementary schools or volunteers in literacy programs and specific community outreach.

Eastern Star proudly support young women`s organizations such as Rainbow for Girls and Job`s Daughters. Many Chapters actively support DeMolay for Boys.

The Eastern Star is also a social organization with frequent formal events and ceremonies. Being a member is a wonderful and a fulfilling way of life. Please ask an Eastern Star to tell you more about it!

The Order of the Eastern Star was conceived, written and taught by a Master Mason to provide a place where both men and women could work and serve side by side. It is now the largest Fraternal organization in the world to which both men and women belong.

Master Masons in good standing, the wives, mothers, daughters, legally adopted daughters, widows, sisters, half-sisters, step daughters and step-sisters of Master Masons in good standing at the time of death are eligible for membership. The lessons of the Order are spiritual and teach to have a deep love for God, country and family.

The Order of the Eastern Star is benevolent and charitable in its actions, raising millions of dollars annually, throughout the world for projects that benefit all human kind.

In Texas, financial support is given for ESTARL (Eastern Star Training Awards for Religious Leadership), the Eastern Star Home at Arlington, Texas, Cancer Research, Arthritis Foundation, Heart Fund, Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Shriners Hospitals, and the Scottish Rite Hospital in Dallas.

Local charities have support as a project of the presiding officer of the Chapters across the State.

The Order is proud and happy to sponsor and support the youth through the rainbow for Girls, Job's Daughters, and the Order of DeMolay for young men.

The membership is admonished to aid, comfort and protect each other by sharing the joys and sorrows of life. The rewards are many as members work and play together in love and charity and become life long friends, sisters and brothers.

The Order of the Eastern Star is composed of three bodies: General Grand Chapter with headquarters in Washington, D.C., Grand Chapter with offices in Arlington, Texas and Sub-ordinate or local chapters located world-wide.

The Order is governed by a set of rules and regulations from General grand Chapter and Grand Chapter, and by a set of by-laws of each subordinate chapter.

To be a member of the Order is a wonderful and fulfilling way of life, a life of love, and through this fraternal service to humanity, a better life is built for all.

Those who desire membership must petition to do so. The petitions are carefully investigated for eligibility then the petition is voted on by the members of the Chapter receiving the petition. The order wants persons with high moral and spiritual qualities who will work together to perform its objectives.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, contact someone who is in a local chapter or write to the Grand Secretary, Grand Chapter of Texas, OES, 1111 E. Division, Arlington, Texas 76011, to obtain a petition.


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Rainbow Girls

Eastern Star

York Rite


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Date Last Modified: 01/26/2000