Rate My Bands

K guys. I know we all love Nsync alot and there is no possible way anyone could ever take there place. Soooo, as long as we understand that I have decided to put up some other bands that i think are tight and you can rate them however you think they are. So we got some interaction crap goin here..get it? Will place take your time, i would not waste your time on any crap bands either so take this seriously..thanks ;)!


Christian Music/Alternative

4eternity- Here is one of my favorite bands who are really only popular in my town. But they are 5 awesome talented/blessed guys. Three of the fellas go to my school. They are a Christian band that write all their songs. Go to their website to sample some of their songs at www.4eternitymusic.com and tell me what you think! E-mail me at Homegirl1504@aol.com to rate! Just give them a chance! I swear their worth it!


Forty Days-




Hip Hop/Rap
