Pamela Zimmerman, basket in progress

Frequently Asked Questions About
The Pine Needle Group

What is The Pine Needle Group?

But I don't know how to coil.
Why would I want to join?
I don't have any pine needles! Where would I get supplies?
How do I find coiling instruction?
Who qualifies for membership?

What is The Pine Needle Group?
We are a cyber-circle of coiling friends. A group gathered to further the ancient art of coiling. We do this by showing our coiled work online, sharing links about coiling, and spreading our coiling knowledge among ourselves and other interested people. Questions can be posted in the
forums page, or to the mailing list.

Membership is open to any individual interested in pine needle basketry, or coiling.

We have an interactive mailing list through yahoo groups. This is the only kind of membership we have at this time, "public" memberships have been discontinued, due to the abuse of the submission form by spammers.

We are completing our 21st Pine Needle Exchange . Hope you can join us in the next one!

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But I don't know how to coil.
Many of those in our group taught themselves to coil, with the aid of a
book, or online instructions. It is not difficult, and you probably have most of the equipment required in your home right now.

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Why would I want to join?

Meet other coilers, participate in a basket exchange, expand your techniques and skills, find a class, advertise for students, There are lots of benefits!

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I don't have any pine needles! Where would I get supplies?
Try trading for them in our
Forum, and there are lots of suppliers listed on Resources page. Or, try coiling with something you already have! Try fabric, rolled newspaper, grass, twine, see the Other Coiled Forms page for ideas.

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How do I find instruction in coiling?
There are lots of books in the
Bookstore. A listing of classes is also on the Instruction page. You could also join the mailing list, and ask if there is anyone in your area to teach you.

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Who qualifies for membership?
Anyone with an interest in coiling.

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How do I become a member?

Subscribe to The Pine Needle Group
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Pine Needle Group Logo, created by Carol Antrim

Web design by Pamela Zimmerman

links checked by K. Thomas 1/2004, thanks!