The Levine Family Homepage - My Mommy's homepage. Interesting stuff about my family, and you'll be able to see just why I'm such a nut!
Bored.Com - What? A link to a page of links? If you are bored with your surfing and want to check out interesting sites, this is a great place to go. Kudos to Bryan @ Earthstink for this one.
The Hamster Dance - Need a quick laugh? Check out this site and wait for the music to start BEFORE you look at'll make your day.
Hoaxes and Urban Legends - Getting sick of those dang chain e-mails or ones claiming that if you send 'em on you'll see some stupid video or grant a dying brat his last wish......get the poop on all those stupid things and tell the people who send 'em to quit wasting your time!
The Official ALL Website - The home of my favorite pop-punk band of ALL time....of course I'm speaking of ALL/The Descendants.
BYOFL - Stands for Book Your Own....uh....F-ing Life. Tons of links to underground and indie bands. Info and mp3s galore!
Rollins - Oh of my favorite all around entertainers. Tons of info about Black Flag, The Rollins Band and Hank's spoken word stuff.
Twisted Mego Theater - Superhero action figures (dolls) in comic situations....what more could you ask for?
The Outrage - Why do people take the time to read the op-ed page in the newspaper? To get good and ticked off at the idiocy of others....This page is designed to show the outrageousness of todays culture....agree or disagree, you certainly will have a reaction.
Consumer Forums - This is the home of the infamous Fry's Forum.
Insanity at Work - Proving the stupidity of the public through the eyes of a retail clerk.
Customers: Eat My Shorts
- One can never have too many websites showing that customers are's
of the better ones
For the best in retail horror stories from the perspective of we, the clerks,....visit the below link.