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monkey by Blackflag

There are 12 animals in the Chinese Zodiac,
which consists of 12 year cycles.
Each animal represents a year in the 12 years
and imparts distinct characteristics to its year.
Many Chinese believe the year a person is born
is the primary factor in determining
that person’s mental and physical attributes,
the degrees of success and happiness to be achieved,
and personality traits.

Years before 1903 and after 2010 are not covered here.
Add or subtract 12 to find your year if
you fall in this time stream….it’s easy…

RABBIT – 1903, 1915, 1927,1939,1951, 1963, 1975,1987,1999
You are talented, articulate, and lucky.
This is the luckiest of all signs.
Shy but affectionate, you seek peace in life.
Marry a Sheep or Boar, but not the Cock !!

DRAGON – 1904,1916,1928,1940,1952,1964,1976,1988,2000
Complex…very passionate…eccentric perhaps.
You have abundant health and are strong,
can be relentless or stubborn, sometimes a loner.
Marry a Monkey or Rat (marry late in life, not early),
Avoid the Dog…not for you,Dragon!

SNAKE – 1905,1917,1929,1941,1953,1965,1977,1989,2001
Oh, you are intent and wise…
You tend to love and admire physical beauty
in self and in others,
which can make you vain or tempermental...
How you love The Show...magic!!!
Boars cannot tolerate you...stay away from them.
You do well with the Cock or the Ox.

HORSE – 1906,1918,1930,1942,1954,1966,1978,1990,2002
You are attractive and popular with the opposite sex...
You like people and like to get along.
...You can be impatient and often ostentatious.
Stay away from Rats...Seek the Tiger or Dog,
(and marry early...)

Though you prefer anonymity and are shy and reserved,
you are elegant and creative...efficient, dependable.
You cannot get along with the Ox...
Choose Boars and Rabbits for companions and mates.

MONKEY – 1908,1920,1932,1944,1956,1968,1980,1992,2004
You are very intelligent, an achiever...enthusiastic.
Thus, you influence others and are often a leader.
However, you can become depressed, confused...
and get easily discouraged.
You do best with good support, respect, love.
Avoid Tigers. Seek the Dragon or a Rat...
Both will be protective and love you.

COCK – 1909,1921,1933,1945,1957,1969,1981,1993,2005
You are devoted to work and quest for knowledge,
a pioneer in spirit and the spiritual.
Sometimes you are selfish and eccentric…
but your love for knowledge keeps you on the road.
Snakes and Oxen are your mates and best friends.
Stay away from Rabbits...trouble for you!

DOG – 1910,1922,1934,1946,1958,1970,1982,1994,2006
Yes, you are loyal and honest and generous.
At work and in love, you are about the best.
Though generous, you can be selfish and stubborn,
especially if crossed (or if you feel betrayed...).
The Horse and Tiger are for you...
But stay away from the your peril!

BOAR(PIG)- 1911,1923,1935,1947,1959,1971,1983,1995,2007
Your friends will be lifelong, for you are noble,
chivalrous, honorable...but prone to marital strife.
You cannot get along with other Boars...
Marry a Rabbit or a Sheep...
Hummmmmmm.........might avoid Dragons also.

RAT – 1912,1924,1936,1948,1960,1972,1984,1996,2008
Though ambitious, you are honest and reliable...
prone to shop and spend over the budget though.
For some reason you seldom make lasting friendships...
You like to move on and do not look back.
You are most compatible with the Monkey and Dragon...
Least of all, the Horse! A traveler in the universe.

OX – 1913,1925,1937,1949,1961,1973,1985,1997,2009
You inspire others and are an inspiration to children,
Both patient and bright...of warm disposition.
You can be happy alone, but make an outstanding
Mate and parent. You enjoy helping others,
Guiding and are strong (but willful??)
Marry a Snake or Cock...and stay away from Sheep.
They are too elegant for you, OX...too much trouble.

TIGER – 1914,1926,1938,1950,1962,1973,1985,1998,2010
Aggressive, sleek, candid, sensitive, courageous...
You are to be reckoned with and have presence.
When you are around, everyone careful.
Beware the Monkey...even the Dragon or Snake.
Look to the Dog and Horse for company and marriage.

You may not believe in the Chinese Zodiac...but...
Bet you can find yourself in yourself.
Surprising, most of us do.
mb September 19, 1998

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