Happy Ground Hog Day !!

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artwork by Kidswork Class of 1996

Groundhog Day "History" Notes
presented by Kidswork

As far as we can find out, Groundhog Day began in
Pennsylvania, in Punxsutawney.
On February 2, 1886 the local newspager proclaimed that
February 2 was Groundhog Day and that the groundhog
being used to forecast the weather was named
"Punxsutawney Phil, Seer of Seers, Sage of Sages,
Prognosticator of Prognosticators,
and Weather Prophet Extraordinary."

Phil’s hometown was to become the
WEATHER CAPITAL OF THE WORLD, each year predicting
the end of winter weather for the nation...
or an early Spring. Phil lived at Gobbler’s Knob.

If Phil comes out of his cubbyhole and cast a shadow,
that means 6 more weeks of Winter!!!!
If there is not a shadow,
that means Spring will come early…no more bad winter.

This day is not an official holiday...but
it is usually on television news...
If you would like to see a record of when Phil
has cast a shadow and when he has not, and a more
complete history of Groundhog Day, try this link:
~Very Good Groundhog Day Page~

In Florida where we are it is so warm that predicting
the weather with a groundhog is not very wise!
What animal might we use???
an armadillo perhaps ??????????? A gator????
How can a gator predict the weather?
Maybe gators are not as smart about the weather
as groundhogs…what do you think?

~This Link has some fun Groundhog Day songs
by Don Halley~

Hey Somebody, why not write a song and send it to us!!!!
Meanwhile...we'll try to think of one ourselves...

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