
One day cupidshot his arrow and Mr. Funbug & I fell in love. We have been together for 13 years now and still going strong.

This page was originally created as kind of a cyber valentine card for valentines day. However, Mr. Funbug loved it sooo much that I decided to make some modifications and tell our love story. If this is just way too mushy for you, you know where the back button is right?

We first met at a restaurant and lounge where a good friend of mine does a piano bar kinda thing. Since I wasn’t singing professionally very much anymore, it was a great way to do some singing for an audience. I had been sitting-in (that’s a musician’s term for when you perform but don’t get paid) for a few years and then one day I walked in and there is Mr. Funbug playing a drum machine. I don’t know if I can adequately describe what this looks like, but a drum machine is a little tiny box about 6 by 6 inches with little buttons that each have their own drum sound. One is a bass drum, one is a snare drum, another is high hat etc. Anyway, most musicians program a drum machine with specific rhythms and just let the machine play but Mr. Funbug likes to use it as a drum kit, like he’s playing a real drum set. Well, I had never seen anybody do this before and I found it quite amusing. So I was watching him. He really seemed to be enjoying himself. Anyway, I got called up to sing and after I sang Mr. Funbug asked the cocktail waitress (Who is also a good friend of mine) to introduce us. We talked a little that night but not a whole lot and the next time I went in he wasn’t there and I was a little disappointed.

The next time I went though, There he was, and my heart skipped a little beat. I noticed that he was dancing with some of the other patrons so I went up to him and asked him to dance. I was his only dance partner for the rest of that night. We talked and danced, and danced and talked.

We danced all night. He was actually avery good dancer too!

Here we are dancing recently We danced till they kicked us out! I think that’s where we started to fall for each other was on the dance floor. I didn’t even know at first that he was a real musician and actually plays keyboard. He asked for my phone number, because he said he was looking for a singer to start a duo with (yeah right! *L*) and I wasn’t sure he would call but he did and we talked for hours. We set up a time to get together and play music together and that turned out really well. We really just kinda ‘clicked’ right away. We went on a few dates but the most memorable was the county fair. We had so much fun. we were just like a couple of kids. We went on a bunch of rides and ate corn dogs and he bought me a little crystal heart pendant.

I Love Mr. Funbug for many reasons. We get along really well most of the time and he’s been a better father to my son than my ex ever was. Mr. Funbug is a sweet and sensitive man and always crys at the sad parts of movies. He also helps me in the garden by doing the really the hard stuff. He digs holes and builds planter boxes and set up several drip systems. He made us a huge pond when we bought our first house a few years ago. The pond and the garden are both on-going projects. Although he yells and complains about my plant spending habits, he still seems to always give me plants and plant money anyway and generally enables my gardening addiction.

Another reason I love him is that we both share a love of music. We have grown as a couple and as a musical duo and I'm not the only one who thinks we make beautiful


After our dates and jam sessions the usual types of courtship followed and also some unusual types. Like, we both love Star Trek and he used to call me on the phone so we could watch it "together" LOL! It was kinda silly and sweet at the same time. We'd stay connected for the whole hour but we'd only talk during the commercials. This was a toll call for him to as he lived about 25 miles from me. He proposed to me in front of an audience at the same place where we met. He had it all set up in advance. It was very sweet.

So, in closing this mushy little love story, I'd like to say that Mr. Funbug is my partner and soul mate and I hope that we will always be together.

So here’s a big kiss for Mr. Funbug!

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