Str.ABLEMANIA Extract 1870

The following is a small extract taken from the manifest of the Str.ABLEMANIA,departing Hamburg`Harve arriving Port of New York,May 20 1870.Capt.S.Barends.

The writing is hard to decipher.Where I cannot tell I put a question mark.Please keep in mind that it is possible I have mistaken a letter for another.If someone looks like a remote possibility please feel free to E-MAILme.I will be glad to help where I can.
CODE:Passenger name/age/sex/occupation/country of origin.

592.POHL     Joseph    51  M    farmer     Germany

593. " Marie 50 F his wife Germany
594. " Marie 7 F his child Germany
595.?RU?INE August 24 M workman Germany
596. " Dora 28 F his wife Germany
597.WAKENREITER Cath. 16 F unmarried Germany
598.TOWNSMA Akke 67 F woman Holland
599. " Akke 18 F her dau. Holland
600.VAGIS Leopald 25 M ? Germany
601.NAUKAHN Conrad 52 M farmer USA
602.?EUNATH Marie 26 F his wife USA
603.ANDLAUER Fred. 20 M workman Bade
604.FEIST Engelhart 21 M workman Bade
605.?AEFFEL Maria 15 F wife Bade
606.FRIEDRICH Wilhelm 23 M merchant Bade
607.GINGRICH Christian 38 M farmer USA
608. " Wilhimina 39 F his wife USA
609.BELL Franzicka 18 F lady Bade
610. " Emilia 20 F lady Bade
611.S(L)iebert Anna 22 F lady Bade
612.LAIFFEL Felix 39 M shoemaker Bade
613. " Uriala 32 F his wife Bade