National Archives Microcopy #237 Roll#325 List#205-279

Following is a small extract taken from the passenger list of the S.S.HERMAN out of Bremen,Germany arriving the Port Of New York,April 13,1870.
List# 259
CODE:Passenger #/Passenger name/age/gender/Occupation/Place of Origin

76.TRFINA Maria 44 F Bohemia
77.CIZCK Katharina 23 F "
78.ZLABECK Josef 19 M "
79.THALUPSKY Josef 18 M farmer "
80.THUMA Matthias 47 M bricklayer "
81. " Rosalia 3? F "
82. " Matthias 4 M "
83. " Anton 3 M "
84. " Thomas 2mth M "
85.LUKSCHICK Josef 38 M "
86. " Maria 29 F "
87. " Maria 5 F
88.HOFFMANN Wengl 46 F farmer "
89. " Maria 34 F
90. " Wengl 14 M
91. " Johann 9 M "
92. " Josef 8 M
93. " Elisabeth 7 F
94. " Maria 11mth F "
95.FROSHLAND Ernst 36 M merchant Gerbstadt
96.HEINWICK Franz 43 M brewer Bohemia
97.BIZA Barbara 25 F "
98.?USCHCK Anna 19 F "
99.LORENZ Math. 30 M farmer "
100. " Barbara 26 F '