Nye family

Ancestors of the Beaver County, Pa., Hartzells

    Clemens Hirtzel was born 20 Feb. 1659 and lived in the town of Reihen, which is near Sinsheim in modern Baden-Wuerttemburg, Germany. (1)
    On Nov. 23, 1680, Clemens married Anna Sinter, daughter of Hans Sinter.
    Hans Henich, baptized Sept. 25, 1681.
    Hans Georg, baptized May 30, 1686.
    Maria Esther, baptized May 9, 1688. Married Hans Leonhard Doerr.
    Christopher, born about 1692.
    Hans Jonas, born July 1, 1694. Died 1714.
    Anna Christina, baptized Feb. 3, 1697. Died 1714.
    Joh. Jacob, baptized Dec. 27, 1699. Died 1708.    
    Maria Margreta, baptized Sept. 24, 1702. Married Johannes Leipp.
    Hans Ulrich, baptized Aug. 21, 1705.
    The Hirtzels’ children were baptized in the Reformed church in Reihen.
    Clemens died March 25, 1707.
    (1) All information in this item comes from “Eighteenth Century Emigrants from German-Speaking Lands to North America, Vol. 1: The Northern Kraichgau,” by Annette Kunselman Burgett, page 160.  The information is attributed to the Reihen Reformed Churchbooks.

    Ulrich Hertzel was born Aug. 20, 1705, to in Clemens and Anna Hirtzel in the town of Reihen, which is near Sinsheim in modern Baden-Wuertemburg, Germany. (1)
    Married a woman named Anna Margaret. (2)
    Children: (3)
    Johann George, baptized May 20, 1733.
    Johann Marx or Mark, born 1746.
    Anna Margaret.
    Barbara. Married Adam Smith.
    Another son who died before Ulrich, who died in 1771.
    Ulrich arrived in Philadelphia on Sept. 18, 1727 aboard the William and Sarah, which sailed from Rotterdam in the Netherlands.  The Philadelphia immigration list indicates that he was heading to “Skipach” and had two people in his family. (4)
    He was one of the earliest settlers in the Goshenhoppen Valley in what is now Montgomery County, Pa., arriving there in 1733. (5)
    Ulrich worshipped at the Old Goshenhoppen Reformed Church, which served German immigrants in the area.  He is listed as a worshipper, appears in baptismal records, had his children confirmed there, paid out 13 shillings, 6 pence “on account of the building expenses of the parsonage” and his death is recorded there.
    On July 3, 1761, Ulrich received a patent from Thomas and Richard Penn for 150.5 acres in Upper Salford Township in what was then Philadelphia County, Pa. (6)  In 1769, he was taxed for 150 acres in Upper Salford Township and two horses and three cows. (7)
    Ulrich was buried on Feb. 12, 1771. Ulrich’s son Mark was buried the same day and is said to have been buried in the same grave at Dietz graveyard as his father. (8)
    (1) The date comes from death records in “A History of the Goshenhoppen Reformed Charge Montgomery County, Pennsylvania (1727-1819),” by the Rev. William John Hinke, page 419. “Eighteenth Century Emigrants from German-Speaking Lands to North America, Vol. 1: The Northern Kraichgau,” by Annette Kunselman Burgett, page 160.  The information is attributed to the Reihen Reformed Churchbooks.  (2) Will listed in “Collections of the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, Vol. VI,” page 1726, taken from Philadelphia County Will Book P, page 71. (3) The children are listed in Montgomery County Deed Book 6, page 450, which cites Ulrich’s will, dated Jan. 24, 1771.  However, only George, Jacob and Anna Margaret are mentioned in the will.  George’s baptism is recorded in the Goshenhoppen Reformed Church records, page 279.  Mark’s year of birth is noted in his burial record in the same church records, page 419.  The unidentified son would be the sixth among “Ulrich Herzel’s six sons” confirmed by the Rev. George Michael Weiss at Goshenhoppen between 1748 and 1761, page 309. (4) “Pennyslvania German Pioneers,” by Ralph B. Strassburger, page 8.  Another possibility is that Ulrich arrived aboard the Pink Plaisance on Sept, 21, 1732.  Urig Hartsell, age 18, immigrated with several other Hartsells, as listed in “Pennsylvania German Pioneers,” page 79.  However, our Ulrich was born in 1705, according to the Goshenhoppen records, making him too old to be this person.  (5) “A History of the Goshenhoppen Reformed Charge,” page 14.  (6) Montgomery County Deed Book 6, page 450, refers to the patent, saying it is recorded in Philadelphia Patent Book Vol. 1, page 459.  (7) “1769 Tax List (Proprietary) Montgomery County, Pennsylvania,” transcribed by Janet Brittingham and Mildred C. Williams, page 22.  (8) Burial dates for both men come from “A History of the Goshenhoppen Reformed Charge,” page 419. The “same grave” information comes from “History of Lehigh County, Pa., Vol. II,” by Charles R. Roberts, page 507. This book states that the funeral was on Feb. 14, 1771.

    Johann Georg Hertzel was the son of Ulrich and Anna Margaret Hertzel. He was baptized May 20, 1733, in what is now Montgomery County, Pa. (1)
    Married Catharine Hahn, the widow of John Neiss. (2)
    The following children appear in George’s will from 1795: (3)
    George, who was born June 12, 1769 and listed as Joh. Georgus at his baptism.
    Catharine. Married George Heebner.
    Molly. Married John Gerhard.
    Margaret. Married Philip Bernett.
    The deceased mother of Catharine and Margaret Landis.
    Matching the names that appear in George’s will with those that appear on birth and confirmation records will require a bit more research.  In addition to the younger George, church records in Montgomery County list the baptism of Mary Magdalena on April 2, 1758 and the birth of Hanna on Dec. 5, 1766.  Both are likely to be among those mentioned under nicknames in the will.  Confirmation records at the Old Goshenhoppen Reformed Church may provide additional information on the daughter’s ages. Marg. Hertzel, age 16, was confirmed on April 24, 1773.  Cath. Hertzel, age 16, was confirmed on April13, 1776.  Magdalena Hertzel, age 15, was confirmed on April 14, 1775. (This would not match the date of the birth recorded above and it would conflict with the date of Catharine.  It may be a mistake or this may not be George’s daughter or the Hertzels may have named a second daughter Magdalena after the first died in infancy.)  Since no parental names are listed in the confirmation records, it isn’t certain that these records actually pertain to George’s daughters. However, no other girls with these names appear under these dates in “Pennyslvania Births Montgomery County 1682-1800.” (4)
    George appears to have owned farms in Franconia and Upper Salford townships in Montgomery County, which was a part of Philadelphia County until 1784.  In 1769, he paid taxes for 400 acres in Franconia, five horses, eight cattle and two “servants.” (5)  In 1773, he is listed as being from Upper Salford in a deed transferring his deceased father’s property to his control. (6)  In 1789, George Hertzel of Franconia Township, yoeman, and Catharine his wife sold  land in Upper Salford. (7)  George was involved in several other property transactions, but I have been unable to research them thoroughly.
    George’s record during the Revolutionary War appears to be contradictory; however, that isn’t unusual for Pennsylvania’s Germans.
    George and his brother Ulrich are listed among the non-associators in Upper Salford Township in 1779.  Associators were those who took the oath to support and serve in the county militias during the Revolutionary War.  Many Germans declined to take the oath despite being sympathetic to the revolutionary cause.  Quite often, they believed that the oath conflicted with that they had taken upon immigration to the English colonies. (8)
    However, George actually does appear on Philadelphia County’s militia roles during the Revolution.  He appears as a private in Capt. Egert’s company, which mustered May 24, 1779. He is also listed as a private in Capt. Henry Nevel’s 7th Company from the “Upper District of Uppersolfort,” which belonged to the 5th Battalion of the county’s militia.  The date on one of the rosters for this unit is 1781.  The name George Hartzel appears in other records but it is uncertain whether these refer to our George or another.  The records I have selected are definitely those of our George because the home area is specified and known neighbors of our George are among the unit’s ranks. (9)
    George appears to have owned several slaves over the years.  His two “servants” in 1769 tax records have already been mentioned.  The 1790 Census records that he had two slaves. (10)  George’s slaves also appear in the records of the Old Goshenhoppen Reformed Church.  For example, under 1764 they say: “May 12, a negro of George Hertzel was buried; aged 19 years less a quarter.” (11)  In his will, George left his son George two of his slaves.  According to an abstract, he left to “son George, farm 247 acres and negro man, Cuff for 4 years, he to pay to negro man, 3 pds. yearly and negro woman Betsey, stove, &c. in consideration of 1050 pds.”  (12)  It is likely that the Cuff mentioned in the 1795 will is the same black man listed as “Coff, aged 30 years” who was confirmed at the Old Goshenhoppen church  on April 17, 1767 along with two of Catharine’s sons from her previous marriage. (13)
    George appears to have been active in the church because he is listed as an elder on June 30, 1782. (14)
    George appears to have died in 1795. His will was written on Dec. 9, 1795 and filed Jan. 6, 1796.
     (1) “A History of the Goshenhoppen Reformed Charge Montgomery County, Pennsylvania (1727-1819),” by the Rev. William John Hinke, page 279.  (2) Catharine’s marriaged to John Neiss and George’s later marriage to Catharine appear under the list of marriages conducted by the Rev. George Michael Weiss between 1747 and 1758. They appear on pages 301 and 303, respectively.  (3) “Abstracts of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, Wills & Administrations 1784-1823,” by Ellwood Roberts, pages 81 and 82. George’s birth listed in “A History of the Goshenhoppen Reformed Charge,” page 389.  (4) Mary Magdalena’s birth is listed in “Pennsylvania Births Montgomery County 1682-1800,” by John T. Humphrey.  Hanna’s appears in “A History of the Goshenhoppen Reformed Charge,” page 386.  The confirmations appear on page 430 of that book.  (5) “1769 Tax List (Proprietary) Montgomery County, Pennsylvania,” transcribed by Janet Brittingham and Mildred C. Williams, page 22.  (6) Montgomery County Deed Book 6, page 450.  (7) Montgomery County Deed Book 5, page 438.  (8) “Oath of Allegiance, Associators & Non Associators, Montgomery County, Pa. (Part of Philadelphia County) 1778-1779,” by Janet Brittingham and Mildren C. Williams, page 28.  (9)  Service recorded in “Pennsylvania Archives, Series 6, Vol, I,” pages 964 (Egert’s company), 834, 853 and 871.  A George Hartzel is listed in the Continental Line’s Invalid Regiment in 1780-83 in “Pennsylvania Archives, Series 5, Vol, IV,” pages 11 and 98.  This regiment was formed as “a home guard of all such persons as were not fit to march with the militia” to guard Philadelphia’s powder magazine and patrol its streets.  It appears unlikely that this would be our George since he was serving in another unit in 1781.  A George Hartzel from Northampton County is listed in Series 5, Vol. VIII, pages 151 and 160 but this one is definitely not our George.  (10) “Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year 1790, Pennsylvania,” listed under Montgomery County, page 163.  He was the only Hertzel recorded as owning slaves.  (11) “A History of the Goshenhoppen Reformed Charge,” page 422.  (12) “Abstracts,” pages 81 and 82.  (13) “A History of the Goshenhoppen Reformed Charge,” page 428.  The sons were Philip Nais, age 16, and John Nais, age 13.  Her other son was Abraham Nais, who was confirmed April 24, 1773, at age 17.  (14) “A History of the Goshenhoppen Reformed Charge,” page 418.

    George Hartzell was born June 12, 1769 in Montgomery County, Pa., to Georg and Catharine Hertzel. In the baptismal record he is listed as Joh. Georgus – a Latinized version of the name Johann Georg. (1)
    Married Catharine Kron on Aug. 12, 1796. (2)
    Children: (3)
    Elizabeth.  Married Charles Goehring (a.k.a. Carl).
    Catharine.  Married Andrew Deemer.
    Mary. Married James Cooper (a.k.a. Jakob Kugger).
    Jacob, born Sept. 24, 1811.
    Nancy.  Married James Harkins.
    Hannah.  Married George Young.
    George Hartzel, born Sept. 3, 1813.
    Sarah.  Married John Benner.
    John, born about 1818.
    And possibly:
    Two separate accounts of George have come down to us in “Genealogical and Personal History of Beaver County, Pa.” The work, which was published in 1914, focuses on later generations but mentions George as progenitor of the Hartzel clan in Beaver County. The accounts contain several obvious errors and differ from each other. However, since they may hold some truth, I’ll include them and correct the errors in the following paragraphs. (4)
    “George Hartzel, who was born in Lehigh township, Lehigh county, Pennsylvania, traveled by wagon, in 1751 to the western part of the state, and settled in Marion township, Beaver county, where he was one of the earliest settlers. He purchased a large tract of land which he cleared for farming purposes, and spend the remainder of his life there. He was a member of the German Reformed Church, and a man on influence in the community. He married Katherine Krohen, and had children: George, Jacob, John, see forward, and six daughters.”
    In this passage, the date of migration is obviously incorrect since he would have been well over 100 years old when he died in 1850 and also because the area wasn’t settled by white men at all until much later.
    “George Hartzel was born in Bucks county, Pennsylvania, and removed to Marion township, Beaver county, Pennsylvania, about 1830. He located on a farm which is now known as the Michael Young farm, where he cleared the land and prepared it for farming purposes. He died at Brush Creek, Cranberry township, Butler county, Pennsylvania, while living with a daughter. He married Catherine Cron, born in Germany, and they had children: George, John, see forward; Jacob, Michael, Betsey, Catherine, Hannah, Sarah, Maria.”
    The second item appears to be more reliable, if only because of the migration date. Both items then go on to describe George’s son John.  It’s hard to believe that such divergent biographical sketches focus on the same individual and appear in the same book. However, such “histories” were compiled simply to satisfy the person who paid to have his ancestors recognized on their pages.
    George was one of the last slave-owners in Montgomery County, Pa.  In 1795, George inherited a “negro man” named Cuff for four years and he was to pay him 3 pounds a year. In addition, he inherited as “negro woman” named Betsey. (5)
    George was a lawyer and perhaps even a justice of the peace in Montgomery County.  Items in newspapers from Norristown, the county seat, mention weddings performed by George Hartzell, Esquire, in 1804, 1818 and 1821. (6)  In addition,  Montgomery County land records refer to him as “George Hartzell, Esquire, of Upper Salford Township.” (7)
    George first appears in Beaver County in 1825, when he served as a baptismal sponsor at the German Reformed church near Zelienople in Butler County.  He was the sponsor for Johannes, son of Magdalena Herzel and Jakob Kugger on Sept. 11, 1825.  The child was born March 22, 1822.  This is probably the couple listed as Mary and James Cooper in George’s estate papers.  Magdalena was frequently shortened to Mary and Jakob is the German version of Jacob or James.  The birth of a Heinrich, son of Magdalene Herzel and Jakob COPPER, is recorded for Jan. 17, 1826. (8)
    At some point before Aug. 6, 1826, George purchased land from Sampson Piersol in North Sewickley Township, Beaver County.   On that day, he and Catharine sold a little more than 4 acres of that land to Magdaline Benner and her son George for $80.  George later transferred most of his farm to George Jr. but the deed wasn’t recorded until 1867. (9)
    The 1840 Census shows George Heartsel working as a farmer in North Sewickley Township, Beaver County. His household included only him and a woman between the ages of 60 and 70, presumably Catharine.
    George appears to have been relatively prominent in his neighborhood.  When Marion Township was formed from part of North Sewickley Township in 1845, Beaver County officials stipulated that the township election was to be held at “G. Hartzell’s in said Township.” (10)  In addition, the area that was to be formed into Marion Township is referred to as “Hartzel’s District” in the county’s 1845 tax records. (11)
    The Hartzells attended church at what later became known as St. John’s United Evangelical Protestant Church in New Sewickley Township.  George Herzel Sr. appears of the list of members who contributed toward the minister’s salary in 1836. (12)
    George spent his last years in Cranberry Township, Butler County, and his estate papers list that as his address.  This would coincide with the biographic sketch cited earlier.
    George died at age 80 in March 1850 in Butler County.  The cause of death was listed as “decline.”  Catharine appears to have died earlier because she is not listed in his estate papers. (13)
    The estate papers provide an interesting look at George’s life and business.  He appears to have had available cash that he lent to others.  His estate papers mention that he was owed $1,201.26 through “Notes for money lent” to family and neighbors.  He also was owed $707 for a “Judgment for land” in Beaver County – probably stemming from a lawsuit of some sort.  In addition, he had $2,020.46 in cash.  Finally, among the household items he left behind was “1 keg and whisky,” which was purchased by his son-in-law Andrew Deemer for $2.75.
    (1)  “A History of the Goshenhoppen Reformed Charge, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania (1727-1819),” page 389.  In addition to his birth record, George Hertzel “Esquire” is definitively linked to the eldest George (1733-1795) in Montgomery County Deed Book 17, page 327.  (2) “Pennsylvania German Marriages,” compiled by Donna R. Irish, page 98.  This book cites as its source records of Indian Creek Reformed Church in Franconia Township, Montgomery County, Pa.  In 1801, a Catharine is listed as the wife of George Hertzel, Esquire, the son of the George Hertzell who wrote his will on Dec. 9, 1795, in Montgomery County Deed Book 17, page 327.  Georg Herzel and Catherine Kroh are listed as parents of George Jr. and Jacob in the 1832 confirmation class records of St. Paul’s church near Zelienople, Pa.  Transcript was provided by Beverly Murphy. Items in “Genealogical and Personal History of Beaver County, Pa.,” pages 444 and 579, say her maiden name was Cron or Krohen.  This could be a corruption of the German practice of feminizing women’s last names. “Kroh” would be come “Krohin,” which could should like “Cron” or “Krohen.”  The only Kroh family I could find in Montgomery County during the appropriate period is that of Friedrich Kroh.  He is listed as one of the early settlers of Lower Merion Township (1753) in “Bulletin of the Historical Society of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania,” Vol. 9, No. 3, page 203.  Frederick Crow is listed as paying taxes in Lower Merion in 1780 in the Bulletin’s Vol. 22, No. 2, page 178. A Friedrich Kroh is listed as immigrating to Philadelphia on Sept. 24, 1753 in “Pennsylvania German Pioneers,” page 566 and 567.  (3) See footnote 2 for reference to Jacob and George Jr.  All of the children (except Michael) and the husbands of the women were listed in George Sr.’s estate papers, which were filed in Butler County, Pa., in May 1851.  Photocopy provided by Pat Collins.  George Jr. also listed in Beaver County Deed Book 54, page 274.  The children are listed in “Genealogical and Personal History of Beaver County, Pa.,” pages 444 and 579.  However, this source offers conflicting accounts of the children and some other aspects of George’s life.  “A Hartzell-Price Family History and Genealogy,” Charles H. Price Jr. lists the Montgomery County George Sr.’s children as: Nancy, born 1807; Mark, born 1808; George, born 1809; Elizabeth, born 1811; Davis, born 1815; Philip, born 1820; and John, born 1822.  Price did not indicate a primary source for this information.  Of course, it must be remembered that Price and I might be discussing two different men.  Whether one or two men are involved here, further research is obviously needed to sort out all these children.  (4) The first account is on page 444 and the second is on page 579.  (5) “Abstracts of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, Wills & Administrations 1784-1823” by Ellwood Roberts, pages 81 and 82.  (6) “Advertisements and Notices of Interest from Norristown, Pennsylvania, Newspapers 1799-1821,” compiled by Judith A.H. Meier, pages 29, 118 and 140.  (7) Montgomery County Deed Book 17, page 327, and Deed Book 36, page 325.  (8) The photocopies of the church book pages were provided by the Zelienople Historical Society without source notes.  (9) Benner transaction is in Beaver County Deed Book 9, page 262.  George Jr. transaction is in Beaver County Deed Book 54, page 274.  (10) “History of Beaver County Pennsylvania and the Centennial Celebration,” by the Rev. Joseph H. Bausman, page 887.  However, it should be noted that the farm may have already been in the hands of George’s son, who was also named George.  But the younger George doesn’t appear to have acquired the farm until later.  (11) “Tax Records 1841-1850, Beaver County, Pennsylvania,” Helen G. Clear and Mae H. Winne, page 20.  (12) From part of “Souvenir Commemorating the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Organization of St. John’s United Evangelical Protestant Church,” pages 14-15, which was supplied by Kay Schaney.  (13) “Pennsylvania 1850 Mortality,” page 130.

    George Hartzell was born Sept. 3, 1813 in Pennsylvania to George and Catharine (Kroh) Hartzell. (1)
    Married Charlotte Stamm, who was born about 1816 in Pennsylvania.  Her parents were John C. and Catharine Stamm. (2)
    Children: (3)
    Catharine, born 1836. Married Jacob Baier.
    Sophia, born 1838. Married Alford S. Powl.
    Mary A. or Marian, born 1840. Wife of Phillip Broman.
    Lewis H. or Louis, born 1842.
    Harriet, born Feb. 24, 1844.  Married Michael P. Nye.
    William C. or Christy, born 1845 or 1846.
    Julia A. or Juliana, born 1848.
    Lilian Emilia or Emma, born 1850. Married Lewis Este.
    Charlotte Melissa, born 1854. Married Lewis Daufen.
    Frederick A., born 1858.
    Allis Barbara. Married Theodore Yahn.
    Henriette. Married Henry Ketterer.
    George. Probably died young.
    George was a farmer in Marion Township, Beaver County, Pa. (4)
    The Hartzells attended church at what later became known as St. John’s United Evangelical Protestant Church in New Sewickley Township.  George Herzel Jr. appears of the list of members who contributed toward the minister’s salary in 1836. (6)
    George served on Beaver County's committee of safety appointed at the beginning of the Civil War.  He was also one of six men appointed to make sure families of soldiers from Marion Township were cared for during the war. (5)
    When George wrote his will on Jan. 29, 1885, he did not mention Lewis, Julia or George, possibly an indication that each had died before that date.
    George died Oct. 13, 1892. (7)
    (1) Georg and Catherine Kroh are listed as parents of George Jr. and Jacob in the 1832 confirmation class records of St. Paul’s church near Zelienople, Pa.  Transcript was provided by Beverly Murphy.  The link to his parents also is in Beaver County Deed Book 54, page 274, a deed mentioning a land transaction between George Hertzel Sr. to George Hertzel Jr. George Sr.’s wife is listed as Catharine. The land was next to Michael Nye and the 1850 Census shows our George living next door to Ann Nye, the widow of Michael. This Michael was the grandfather of Michael P. Nye, who married Harriet Hartzell.  (2) Date and place come from 1850 Census.  Parents are named in John C. Stamm's will in Beaver County Will Book D, page 333.  (3) 1850 Census, 1860 Census and George’s will in Beaver County Will Book I, page 323. Some names are listed differently in the sources. George Jr. is not listed in census records in 1850 or 1860 and is not mentioned in his father’s will. However, our George is listed as George Hartzell Sr. in the will, his death listing in the Register’s Docket and the 1860 census. Women’s spouses listed in will.  (4) Census records and “Beaver County Centennial Directory,” by J. Weyand and W.I.Reed.  (5) From part of “Souvenir Commemorating the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Organization of St. John’s United Evangelical Protestant Church,” pages 14-15, which was supplied by Kay Schaney.  (6) “History of Beaver County, Pa.,” by A. Warner and Co.,  page 302.  (7) Beaver County Register’s Docket No. 6, page 381. Listed as George Hartzell Sr. of Marion Township, executor was Frederick A. Hartzell.
   The origin of the Stamm family is unknown.  My research on this family is just beginning.
    See George Hartzell.